How about this, somebody creates or modifies an existing file sharing program to incorporate a BTC client. Basically you would bribe seeders with micropayments per % of the file or directory to let you jump the queue over those who bid less (or nothing). The seeder could also set a minimum bid to download. This would provide much more of an incentive to seed rare/old files, and would provide an alternative to mining for those with a lot of storage space but insufficient GPU power to mine. Of course those who host copyrighted files would have to worry about lawsuits etc, but such people take the same risk anyway for no financial gain.
For the sake of legitimacy I wouldnt suggest using BTC for an incentive for file downloads as that would be bad in the long run. Perhaps it could be used as a niche though fakeman.
Lets keep rolling with the idea. I agree that some security issues need to be addressed so lets develop a team to take care of that aspect. Although I think we could alleviate that with a move to some form of credit card type scenario.
I have been trying to get funding for a large scale mining operation and I am often asked what other kinds of opportunities there are and etc. There seems to be tremendous interest in the consumer aspect but when i try to explain what mining is their eyes seem to glaze over lol.
Bitcoin is not ready for this yet. Before this can happen, user friendly tools for wallet security and trust need to be developed. Exchanges need to become more professional. A futures market needs to be established to stabilize prices on the side of merchants. Lots of work still to be done. Give it at least another 6 months before bitcoin is ready for Joe Average.
I agree about the exchanges. They pretty much suck. They are very vanilla and not very well thought out. If a person were to create an exchange where a user could do everything in one place i.e credit card to fund and more importantly sell BTC and not have to use another web entity to actually get the value in a spendable form. Kinda like an E-Trade for BTC is what im thinking. The cost would be anonymity though which is by far my favorite part as i have a deep seething hatred for my government and do not wish to give them a dime. I would be willing to trade that to see BTC mainstream. It will take time but I know it can be done