Dude, sorry, but to me, "potential scam" is way too soft for btc-arbs. I deposited 35 btc. Now have 49+ btc in legacy (btc-arbs : account is lmiko). They made tiny transfers to normal and all together, I got back 2,8btc out of it since the beginning. I know that i should have been more careful... To my opinion, you should put in bold letters something like "100% SCAM - 100% AVOID". And saying that I know that I could probably say goodbye to my btc... As only new deposit could guarantee my transfers...
So mate, please tell, when did you made your last deposit, is it during the heartbleed attack? Like 3 or 4 weeks from now? Checking the support ticket, the HeartBleed Bug was occurred around 11 April. It is like 3 or 4 weeks from now. Having said this, I am not a believer about BTC-arbs' problems and takover stories. I am more convinced that they are just story to scam people. But why don't they just disappeared for good - Like LEANCY did. Well as some of U have say this is because they want to scam some more deposits. Well, anyway I am more of a conservative/pessimistic person, i err on the negative aspects all the time. Also, maybe arbitrage trading is also a story. Perhaps btc-arbs & other HYIP programs are just purely stories that suck people in. Having said this, I am currently involved in two other HYIP programs, but I just played with them around the minimum deposits allowed, and I only choose to play with HYIP programs that allowed low deposits amount
It is obvious people, all HYIP websites are the same. By now, I am sure people who had participated in btc-arbs and seen many other HYIP websites. U can easily distinguished that, can U? The answer to this question is, if the website simply have info. about investment plans to lure people to give your
BTC / $ to them and U will get over 100% in returns. Then these websites are simply offering a HYIP services. So there U are people! It is really easy to tell whether a website is HYIP or not. A legit website do not just contain these info., eg. comparing to a legible website, such as a bank, they are involved in more than one products.
I was so surprised to read lately that people are reporting that they have made so much deposits into the website - over 1 BTC. Anyway, if people do really paid attention to the wordings within this whole thread, especially the OP, I don't think they should have made those deposits in the first place.