~ Jan 30th, 2017
BTC Price was $922.95
LTC Price was $3.86
Now on May 04, 2017
BTC Price is $1500.13
LTC Price is $21.78
BTC Price increased by ~62%
LTC Price increased by ~564.3%Writing is on the Wall People , Profit from it or ignore it , your Choice!
$1000 invested in BTC would now be $ 1620
$1000 invested in LTC would now be $ 5643
Class Dismissed. Well, crypto being essentially a set of speculative tokens, very "complex derivatives" like, I think the diversification of the market cap in crypto is what we are witnessing, because the sky is higher in alt coins, than in bitcoin.
Essentially, instead of having one "serious" crypto (bitcoin) and a lot of "cheap immitation shitcoins" like altcoins have been treated for most of the time, we now have a portfolio of different speculative assets on which one can gamble. The more "established" they are, most probably the lower short-term risk, but also the less you can expect from them to grow. You cannot hope for a bitcoin growth of a factor of 5 in the short run ; while this is what certain alt coins did, recently, and not the $10 000 market cap coins, but BIG alt coins, like LTC, DASH and so on. As such, there's much more speculative money to be made on these coins, than on bitcoin.
This is a self-enforcing cycle: in as much as bitcoin is still very big, and hence considered "safer", these other coins are growing in cap until they will reach a certain kind of maturity, like bitcoin. This will further erode away bitcoin's special first mover/biggest network, of which the difference with coins like LTC will fade away over time. We'll get an ever-growing list of big coins, and an ever-growing, and unpredictable list of "fast-money-makers", until this system becomes totally random, big coins start to tumble down, at which moment, a perfectly efficient speculation market is established, where no rises and falls can be predicted.
In all of this, the actual "technical merit" of the coins are just a hype-tool, and have nothing to do with reality. Crypto is like the derivative market on steroids.