Their moderators either encourage it, or doesnt give a damn about it.
Their moderators actively encourage it. They take part.
Let 'em keep it. The Classic shills have basically been shut down in every venue outside of r/btc, which basically resembles an insane asylum now. Their groupthink resulted in the transformation from "Segwit and Lightning Network sound okay, but we want a block size increase" to "Borgstream is the spawn of the devil, Adam Back is Satan himself, Segwit is an evil hack being forced on the community and LN is absolutely not Bitcoin."
Now they constantly speak of blocking Segwit activation. How ironic--supposedly "BorgstreamCore" is blocking any solution to transaction throughput increase. And here is r/btc trying to block Segwit.
Definitely, the last thing bitcoin needs is communists and nazis.
What will the media think about bitcoin then? Bunch of crazy communists and nazis are trying to sabotage bitcoin's reputation.
We cannot let this happen.