To summarize it:
You have clicked on the 'receive'-tab on your chrome application, verified the address is correct (on your nano s), scanned the QR code and verified the address again?
And now you don't see the address in your nano s (and balance is also missing) ?
Is this correct? This seems odd. Are you sure you are still using the 'segwit-wallet' of your nano s (and didn't accidentally click on legacy) ?
OP say
"I never copied or pasted the address, I took a photo of it and copied it correctly (checking 5 times before sending)",and I think this is where is problem came.Even if he say checking 5 times before sending,only one character wrong and this is not identical address.
I had a problem with missing transaction on Ledger app,but it was because I use one of the address from Sign Message option which is not visible to Ledger Bitcoin App,but it was still there and with increase gap address limit in Electrum problem is solved.
It is not possible that address is just disappear like it was never part of that seed...
OP it would be good to post that transaction and photo you take with that specific address.