Not really familiar with github but here is the script I was using:
use Digest::SHA;$|=1;
open(VG, "./vanitygen -q -k 1 |");
while(){print $_;chomp($_);
$msg=$_;if(/Address: (.*)/ig){$addr=$1;
print "Identicon: $id \n";
if($seen{$id} ne ''){
print "Match found\n".$seen{$id}."\n$1\n";exit;
That's picking 32 bits out of the hash for the identicon string, to add more bits and get more accurate I would add more bits on the end of the colors that are using just 2 bits per channel there. Notice that it just checks for a match against any icon it has found so far, to match a particular one you would find an identicon string for it from the same bits and just search for that, to search an address prefix as well you can change the vanitygen argument. I also was running on a machine with 8GB RAM, run at your own risk with more bits or less RAM when saving every result like this.