BitcoinDark Slack Log (5/16-5/18)cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:45 AM@channel update on the MM-BTCD asset, 8122396658538927693:"Market making bot and buy walls will be set on NXT AE, Poloniex, and Bittrex. We plan to provide constant buy pressure, on top of usual market making, which should help the price grow. So the purpose of the fund is twofold - bots are making profits through MM and at the same time gently push the price higher. So you profit both from dividends and BTCD appreciation if you're a BTCD holder. To kick start dividend payments it is possible to hold some dividend paying asset, such as MMNXT. It will be decided on after the IPO phase is over. Also I'd like to note that no further assets will be sold until the asset price doubles, outstanding shares will be sent to an escrow after IPO phase is over. "
Currently 40% of assets sold. This asset pays out exclusively in mgwBTCD / superBTCD.
BTCD market-maker asset
3rdstryker - brad aaaaaaaaaaa (sprnt)BOT 7:47 AMso dividends wont be this wednesday?
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:48 AMNo, I think it's best to wait for the ICO to sell out - otherwise we will have a greater proportion of assets
3rdstryker - brad aaaaaaaaaaa (sprnt)BOT 7:48 AMare the bots running now?
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:48 AMBut that's an unrelated point
Coinomat is plugging in Polo now (might already be running ) and coding the Trex bot
But we're looking at purchasing some revenue-generating assets to inject some liquidity into the BTCD market, so we've got more to work with
Liquidity is low, so there's a limited amount you can do with what's there.
If we use some funds to purchase an asset like MMNXT (or something else that pays out regular dividends), they can be used to convert to BTCD.
3rdstryker - brad aaaaaaaaaaa (sprnt)BOT 7:50 AMahh yep understood
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:50 AMThose will be paid out, some people will hold, some sell, but what we need is churn
The more activity on exchanges the better, as well as buy support. Hopefully this will do both. I guess it's a little bit like the mining assets, where LTC is mined and converted to NXT, except in this case 1) the revenue stream is converted to BTCD and 2) coinomat doesn't disappear and become a target for the Russian mafia.
I think it makes sense to do this to bring up volumes for the bot to work with, and I can't see a downside.
MMNXT and LIQUID are both pretty low-risk assets, for example
3rdstryker - brad aaaaaaaaaaa (sprnt)BOT 7:53 AMit sounds good to me for far from first thoughts
jahl (sprnt)BOT 7:53 AMi wouldn't mine ltc tho
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:53 AMNo, we won't!
That's not what I meant. It was just an analogy.
jahl (sprnt)BOT 7:53 AMdiff too high :simple_smile:
ah ok
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:53 AMRevenue stream converted to currency of choice was the point. There will be no LTC mining, I think NXT has seen enough of that :disappointed:
I want low-risk dividend paying assets. The market-maker bots are a good example. There are probably a few others but I'll keep quiet about the ones I've got in mind for now.
3rdstryker - brad aaaaaaaaaaa (sprnt)BOT 7:57 AM
sounds good :simple_smile:
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 7:57 AMI'm trying hard to see a downside.
kripto (sprnt)BOT 9:50 AMHi guys. What's the relation between mgwBTCD and superBTCD? Am I good holding mgwBTCD?
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 9:51 AMThey're broadly interchangeable at the moment. You should redeem mgwBTCD for superBTCD soon, though.
superBTCD is the production server version. At some point mgwBTCD will have less support.
kripto (sprnt)BOT 10:17 AM@cassius Sorry for my lack of understanding but how do I redeem mgwBTCD for superBTCD?
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 10:34 AM User Support Thread
Took less than a day to get mine back
No great hurry, but worth doing at some point.
bizz (sprnt)BOT 12:47 PMsuperbtcd just works, transferred several times it's really fast with supernet lite client
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:21 PMsome large buys today on the asset :simple_smile:
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 1:35 PMYes. Two-thirds gone now.
Looks like reasonable distribution. Someone has 2%, looks like the largest
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:38 PM4%
maybe twin
kitchentable (sprnt)BOT 1:39 PMLooks like one of his accounts. Or at least it trades like one.
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:39 PMhas a few simular assets aswel
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 1:59 PMYes, I thought twin had jumped in there :simple_smile:
I imagine he'll sell a good few if the price moves up a little
jahl (sprnt)BOT 2:00 PMyep
neal - nea wanna (sprnt)BOT 3:25 PMAnyone know if Polo don'
I tried to withdraw about 1 BTCD yesterday and it still says "COMPLETE ERROR".
Tried tesing it out again tonight with a 2 BTCD witdrawal and it says "COMPLETE ERROR" for that one too :confused:
Was gonna buy a bunch tomorrow but I think I'll give Polo a miss because of this shit. Anyone else experienced this? They haven'
marcm9000 (sprnt)BOT 4:03 PMuse Coinomat it's fast and easy.
neal - nea wanna (sprnt)BOT 4:14 PMYup. I was thinking Bittrex, but I like coinomat.
bizz (sprnt)BOT 4:24 PMbittrex is fine I also had issue with Polo but after mailing they fixed it & sent
neal - nea wanna (sprnt)BOT 4:29 PMI've opened a ticket with Polo. I'm not bothered about the ~3 BTCD just curious what's wrong with my withdrawals.
jahl (sprnt)BOT 4:30 PMevery btcd counts damnit
kripto (sprnt)BOT 5:20 PM@cassius: thx
js.galt (sprnt)BOT 11:49 PMI seem to have missed the memo on MMBTCD, could someone give me the pitch?
damon - damon (sprnt)BOT 11:52 PM@js.galt: if you go up to the 5:45 am post - it might tell you what you want
js.galt (sprnt)BOT 12:09 AMOh I get it. market-maker asset
js.galt (sprnt)BOT 12:18 AMHow do I run the Supernet Lite wallet?
oh! got it
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 9:43 AMUpdate on the MMBTCD asset: mutual fund and market-making asset, MMBTCD
@channel (sprnt)BOT 10:53 AMholy shite, all sold out :smile:
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 10:54 AMSomeone decided they liked the idea and snaffled the last chunk
jahl (sprnt)BOT 10:55 AMi'm glad the ICO was a success
didn't took long :simple_smile:
cassius - cassius (sprnt)BOT 11:00 AM3 days
Now we need to build some revenues
cryptosleuth (sprnt)BOT 11:39 AMomfg lambchains
nippybrit - Nippy Brit (sprnt)BOT 11:40 AMphotoshop content-aware fill is god
first time I tried it
jahl (sprnt)BOT 11:40 AMyea lol, nice feature :simple_smile:
neal - nea wanna (sprnt)BOT 11:43 AMHaha! You coined it, @nippybrit. Along with ramchains now comes lambchains. I hope the SN devs have sufficient sense of humour to refer to it as lambchains. :simple_smile:
nippybrit - Nippy Brit (sprnt)BOT 11:43 AMthanks :stuck_out_tongue:
I think L must stand for something or other, though
neal - nea wanna (sprnt)BOT 11:45 AMYeah, I'd like to see @jl777 refer to it as lambchains now, though. :simple_smile:
jahl (sprnt)BOT 11:46 AMdamnit, i hate when everything downloads smoothly and then when you hit 98%, it goes to 1.5kb/s :confused:
nippybrit - Nippy Brit (sprnt)BOT 11:48 AMsounds like torrents
lemonhead - lemon . (sprnt)BOT 11:55 AM:smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 12:49 PM"L" is for ledger
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 12:49 PMand V?
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:02 PMhe's alive ! :smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:03 PMjust pushed a stable release that is generating Lchains on 10 different servers
that is the hardest part for MGW
now i just have to port the existing code to use the Lchain, but most of the code isnt needed anymore since Lchain does most everything that is needed
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:09 PMalways good to hear progress ! :smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:09 PMif you are following my github, you will see the progress everyday
i am getting more and more functionality with less and less code
this is what happens toward the end
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:11 PMin the end you will have no code at all
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:11 PMnow I can build on the Lchain and load balancer and plugins for everything else, so all this time spent wasnt just for ramchains/MGW
they are just specific use cases for the plugin architecture
I have it now so each plugin has three sets of methods: public, normal, authenticated
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:12 PMis the backbone complete?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:12 PMso you can have methods that can be accessed by anyone, or just on local machine, or needing authentication
backbone is working, but I am not satisfied with it yet
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:13 PMsound good
but better stop at some point and deliver
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:13 PMit can load balance, broadcast, setup direct connections
i am only putting in the features that are needed to support MGW + InstantDEX
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:13 PMI see
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:13 PMI guess I am generalizing it a bit more
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:14 PM
plugins and connectivity is enough
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:14 PMi expect each new type of plugin will require a few changes for a while, eg. pangea, but i dont expect to have to do anything major
i need to add some basic IP shielding
i have the direct connect, where you can specify a plugin to handle the comms via that channel
but still not a clean way to connect that out to the main SuperNET
I think a basic proxy service would do the trick
now this is weak privacy, as if the relay node is compromised, your traffic can be found, but as you say better to release things at current level
i will add the much more robust privacy features via privacy plugins that create dark channels
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:17 PMdefinitely
why use proxy? for relays?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:17 PMnode <-> relay <-> other nodes
but the relay is randomly chosen for each request
node <-> proxy <-> relay <-> other nodes
now you are in contact with just one proxy node (which is most likely one of the relays, or even a relay that you are running)
and the less nodes you are in direct contact with, the less nodes you are in contact with directly
less is more privacy
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:19 PMok you can just drop it for a while
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:19 PMfumble?
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:19 PMproxy stuff
add them later
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:20 PMprobably, but i might be able to do it relatively quickly. i need something for MGW
i think I can just designate a direct connection to be forwarded to the other relays
so it is adding one hop to the existing protocol
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:21 PMok. but maybe will be better to see at least one working plugin
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:21 PM?
I have 12 working plugins now
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:21 PMcurrent mgw is working as plugin?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:21 PMSuperNET itself is a plugin that other plugins plug into
i split out the major components into their own plugin
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:22 PMok. so mgw is working on top of your backbone already?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:22 PMi released multisig address generation via relays last week
now I have realtime DB of unspents in RAM, dealing with the deposits will not take long
and the withdraw processing is pretty much the NXT code that is working for a long time
(ramchain ledgerhash {"coin":"BTCD"}) -> ({"coin":"BTCD","myipaddr":"","tag":"72185797819121","plugin":"ramchain","method":"ledgerhash","broadcast":"allpeers"}) -> ({"responses":[{"result":"success","coin":"BTCD","latest":210299,"ledgerhashes":[[210000, "31658d90ad2bafc2f3319970bac703e89613a48ba40799b096a77c8678b64e04"], [210000, "31658d90ad2bafc2f3319970bac703e89613a48ba40799b096a77c8678b64e04"], [200000, "5fe4d677f84eb6e30110e1b88cc703b98dbb8ac696eba2794e83222b0e30ef9f"], [190000, "2d25bf25a8ef54f38b5baecbe7ee8ea1f54f953c31439e7f9b4b3dd4b48131d7"], [180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [170000, "87ab84b41b4b655249bff7870131d82177bd00182c10dc0440a25abd6c213d31"], [160000, "a3df92ad9700473e2b8fbd9322a65f46b81ae21bc756ead8f8611da435375134"], [150000, "12320507b3c1636fd9cbd99b5512f88bf7eb676ffae08754ab7d6e69f98b4647"], [140000, "9d8f2407b1f3ead9a0c934c9642ccc5142e0d9cc2029aee4040791fc0a464ffb"], [130000, "81eb32da52fe84106385193ea2e85fc46148ce7f855dd91a85b0a713fe4b5ab1"], [120000, "de9b6088bb7a14ffaa987e977c40342ccdd52f059aa61f28a24a7997002949eb"], [110000, "ad6808ebeb7efab44718ce996ecfdec71b8d57d2f04342a130e4526e05ff4a57"], [100000, "b5a90a807e99130f162775010f129c4d3fad6a80995c7058b0ed3a94d40cd321"], [90000, "74976f0872dfaa4b0c7b71ebf39330aeec44dd169db7677cc9a04c0f9c6e2e82"], [80000, "7e914c4048568b65934bdaeef8c437da0f0ec1aa8fe3149a33f9f81e3e3516fb"], [70000, "c8b8d721e046780464d8d939a7fbf5e39306289a06d84e1f9ccfb0fb7b39a810"], [60000, "c007786d493d1c78a0d8648c6accce5032701a3257b430a2c6ab58dea77d7bae"], [50000, "eef8f7d6331c7355b15248b34610053400c11d5ba7216f780ae8ec4e72aede4d"], [40000, "e2e82ceba77f904150803732cf2cafa7a32baa9421c51180eeb6cd43423c4c8c"], [30000, "0f7338e245aff8fc04c75ed88a0a6dbfbd10ee099f58e17ab717c9c49ae8186c"], [20000, "7d76f895bc903b591667984b402bd5139bff507806d5ef1aea070212f310a65d"]],"NXT":"15382101741829220030","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","locallag":0}, {"result":"success","coin":"BTCD","latest":201224,"ledgerhashes":[[200000, "5fe4d677f84eb6e30110e1b88cc703b98dbb8ac696eba2794e83222b0e30ef9f"], [200000, "5fe4d677f84eb6e30110e1b88cc703b98dbb8ac696eba2794e83222b0e30ef9f"], [190000, "2d25bf25a8ef54f38b5baecbe7ee8ea1f54f953c31439e7f9b4b3dd4b48131d7"], [180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [170000, "87ab84b41b4b655249bff7870131d82177bd00182c10dc0440a25abd6c213d31"], [160000, "a3df92ad9700473e2b8fbd9322a65f46b81ae21bc756ead8f8611da435375134"], [150000, "12320507b3c1636fd9cbd99b5512f88bf7eb676ffae08754ab7d6e69f98b4647"], [140000, "9d8f2407b1f3ead9a0c934c9642ccc5142e0d9cc2029aee4040791fc0a464ffb"], [130000, "81eb32da52fe84106385193ea2e85fc46148ce7f855dd91a85b0a713fe4b5ab1"], [120000, "de9b6088bb7a14ffaa987e977c40342ccdd52f059aa61f28a24a7997002949eb"], [110000, "ad6808ebeb7efab44718ce996ecfdec71b8d57d2f04342a130e4526e05ff4a57"], [100000, "b5a90a807e99130f162775010f129c4d3fad6a80995c7058b0ed3a94d40cd321"], [90000, "74976f0872dfaa4b0c7b71ebf39330aeec44dd169db7677cc9a04c0f9c6e2e82"], [80000,
"7e914c4048568b65934bdaeef8c437da0f0ec1aa8fe3149a33f9f81e3e3516fb"], [70000, "c8b8d721e046780464d8d939a7fbf5e39306289a06d84e1f9ccfb0fb7b39a810"], [60000, "c007786d493d1c78a0d8648c6accce5032701a3257b430a2c6ab58dea77d7bae"], [50000, "eef8f7d6331c7355b15248b34610053400c11d5ba7216f780ae8ec4e72aede4d"], [40000, "e2e82ceba77f904150803732cf2cafa7a32baa9421c51180eeb6cd43423c4c8c"], [30000, "0f7338e245aff8fc04c75ed88a0a6dbfbd10ee099f58e17ab717c9c49ae8186c"], [20000, "7d76f895bc903b591667984b402bd5139bff507806d5ef1aea070212f310a65d"]],"NXT":"16857339717008846076","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":80}, {"result":"success","coin":"BTCD","latest":199665,"ledgerhashes":[[190000, "2d25bf25a8ef54f38b5baecbe7ee8ea1f54f953c31439e7f9b4b3dd4b48131d7"], [190000, "2d25bf25a8ef54f38b5baecbe7ee8ea1f54f953c31439e7f9b4b3dd4b48131d7"], [180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [170000, "87ab84b41b4b655249bff7870131d82177bd00182c10dc0440a25abd6c213d31"], [160000, "a3df92ad9700473e2b8fbd9322a65f46b81ae21bc756ead8f8611da435375134"], [150000, "12320507b3c1636fd9cbd99b5512f88bf7eb676ffae08754ab7d6e69f98b4647"], [140000, "9d8f2407b1f3ead9a0c934c9642ccc5142e0d9cc2029aee4040791fc0a464ffb"], [130000, "81eb32da52fe84106385193ea2e85fc46148ce7f855dd91a85b0a713fe4b5ab1"], [120000, "de9b6088bb7a14ffaa987e977c40342ccdd52f059aa61f28a24a7997002949eb"], [110000, "ad6808ebeb7efab44718ce996ecfdec71b8d57d2f04342a130e4526e05ff4a57"], [100000, "b5a90a807e99130f162775010f129c4d3fad6a80995c7058b0ed3a94d40cd321"], [90000, "74976f0872dfaa4b0c7b71ebf39330aeec44dd169db7677cc9a04c0f9c6e2e82"], [80000, "7e914c4048568b65934bdaeef8c437da0f0ec1aa8fe3149a33f9f81e3e3516fb"], [70000, "c8b8d721e046780464d8d939a7fbf5e39306289a06d84e1f9ccfb0fb7b39a810"], [60000, "c007786d493d1c78a0d8648c6accce5032701a3257b430a2c6ab58dea77d7bae"], [50000, "eef8f7d6331c7355b15248b34610053400c11d5ba7216f780ae8ec4e72aede4d"], [40000, "e2e82ceba77f904150803732cf2cafa7a32baa9421c51180eeb6cd43423c4c8c"], [30000, "0f7338e245aff8fc04c75ed88a0a6dbfbd10ee099f58e17ab717c9c49ae8186c"], [20000, "7d76f895bc903b591667984b402bd5139bff507806d5ef1aea070212f310a65d"]],"NXT":"12047478046869276558","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":111}, {"result":"success","coin":"BTCD","latest":188361,"ledgerhashes":[[180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [170000, "87ab84b41b4b655249bff7870131d82177bd00182c10dc0440a25abd6c213d31"], [160000, "a3df92ad9700473e2b8fbd9322a65f46b81ae21bc756ead8f8611da435375134"], [150000, "12320507b3c1636fd9cbd99b5512f88bf7eb676ffae08754ab7d6e69f98b4647"], [140000, "9d8f2407b1f3ead9a0c934c9642ccc5142e0d9cc2029aee4040791fc0a464ffb"], [130000, "81eb32da52fe84106385193ea2e85fc46148ce7f855dd91a85b0a713fe4b5ab1"], [120000, "de9b6088bb7a14ffaa987e977c40342ccdd52f059aa61f28a24a7997002949eb"], [110000, "ad6808ebeb7efab44718ce996ecfdec71b8d57d2f04342a130e4526e05ff4a57"], [100000, "b5a90a807e99130f162775010f129c4d3fad6a80995c7058b0ed3a94d40cd321"], [90000, "74976f0872dfaa4b0c7b71ebf39330aeec44dd169db7677cc9a04c0f9c6e2e82"], [80000, "7e914c4048568b65934bdaeef8c437da0f0ec1aa8fe3149a33f9f81e3e3516fb"], [70000,
"c8b8d721e046780464d8d939a7fbf5e39306289a06d84e1f9ccfb0fb7b39a810"], [60000, "c007786d493d1c78a0d8648c6accce5032701a3257b430a2c6ab58dea77d7bae"], [50000, "eef8f7d6331c7355b15248b34610053400c11d5ba7216f780ae8ec4e72aede4d"], [40000, "e2e82ceba77f904150803732cf2cafa7a32baa9421c51180eeb6cd43423c4c8c"], [30000, "0f7338e245aff8fc04c75ed88a0a6dbfbd10ee099f58e17ab717c9c49ae8186c"], [20000, "7d76f895bc903b591667984b402bd5139bff507806d5ef1aea070212f310a65d"]],"NXT":"5277534112615305538","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":119}, {"result":"success","coin":"BTCD","latest":210917,"ledgerhashes":[[210000, "31658d90ad2bafc2f3319970bac703e89613a48ba40799b096a77c8678b64e04"], [210000, "31658d90ad2bafc2f3319970bac703e89613a48ba40799b096a77c8678b64e04"], [200000, "5fe4d677f84eb6e30110e1b88cc703b98dbb8ac696eba2794e83222b0e30ef9f"], [190000, "2d25bf25a8ef54f38b5baecbe7ee8ea1f54f953c31439e7f9b4b3dd4b48131d7"], [180000, "e413f32b6626aa38b1ef0853916d4bd85b6f1ea653016da653bbc43684b980e6"], [170000, "87ab84b41b4b655249bff7870131d82177bd00182c10dc0440a25abd6c213d31"], [160000, "a3df92ad9700473e2b8fbd9322a65f46b81ae21bc756ead8f8611da435375134"], [150000, "12320507b3c1636fd9cbd99b5512f88bf7eb676ffae08754ab7d6e69f98b4647"], [140000, "9d8f2407b1f3ead9a0c934c9642ccc5142e0d9cc2029aee4040791fc0a464ffb"], [130000, "81eb32da52fe84106385193ea2e85fc46148ce7f855dd91a85b0a713fe4b5ab1"], [120000, "de9b6088bb7a14ffaa987e977c40342ccdd52f059aa61f28a24a7997002949eb"], [110000, "ad6808ebeb7efab44718ce996ecfdec71b8d57d2f04342a130e4526e05ff4a57"], [100000, "b5a90a807e99130f162775010f129c4d3fad6a80995c7058b0ed3a94d40cd321"], [90000, "74976f0872dfaa4b0c7b71ebf39330aeec44dd169db7677cc9a04c0f9c6e2e82"], [80000, "7e914c4048568b65934bdaeef8c437da0f0ec1aa8fe3149a33f9f81e3e3516fb"], [70000, "c8b8d721e046780464d8d939a7fbf5e39306289a06d84e1f9ccfb0fb7b39a810"], [60000, "c007786d493d1c78a0d8648c6accce5032701a3257b430a2c6ab58dea77d7bae"], [50000, "eef8f7d6331c7355b15248b34610053400c11d5ba7216f780ae8ec4e72aede4d"], [40000, "e2e82ceba77f904150803732cf2cafa7a32baa9421c51180eeb6cd43423c4c8c"], [30000, "0f7338e245aff8fc04c75ed88a0a6dbfbd10ee099f58e17ab717c9c49ae8186c"], [20000, "7d76f895bc903b591667984b402bd5139bff507806d5ef1aea070212f310a65d"]],"NXT":"8707177131652021883","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":135}, {"result":"no active ramchain","NXT":"8279528579993996036","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":195}, {"result":"no active ramchain","NXT":"423766016895692955","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":198}, {"result":"no active ramchain","NXT":"12240549928875772593","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":426}, {"result":"no active ramchain","NXT":"6435217126535794819","allowremote":1,"tag":"72185797819121","lag":848}],"success":0,"err responses":5,"total":13})
I submitted a single request to the relays, it then went to a random one, which then broadcast my query to all the nodes asking for Lchain hashes for BTCD, all the nodes that are processing the BTCD Lchain responded back to the relay node, which then gathered all the responses and sent it back to me
this took 2 seconds
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:28 PMunderstood
it was hard :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:29 PMthe relays have no idea what the request specifics are, it is abstracted
there are provider nodes that respond when appropriate
and the providers can provide anything
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:29 PMcan you or someone else give a list of plugins using this supernet functionality
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:29 PMI can also setup subscription feeds
there is a relays plugin, which does the above, or part of the above
there is a peers plugin that deals with the broadcasting to all the peers
a subscriptions plugin that manages subscriptions (still very early for this one)
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:31 PMall is C?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:31 PMa coins plugin that can talk to any gen1 coin
all in C
a database plugin that does some pretty intense multilevel caching and data packing
the ramchain plugin
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:31 PMplugins are linked separately?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:31 PMthe MGW plugin
plugins can be in any language and can be a totally separate process
for simplicity I just link them all in together for the hardcoded plugins
it is also a bit more efficient to be hardcoded
but they can be done as separate process plugins
it is less than 100 lines for the echodemo plugin
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:33 PMwhat is the purpose of the mgw plugin?
ain't client code enough to work with mgw?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:33 PMit implements the MGW server logic
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:34 PMonly few people need this
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:34 PMso?
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:34 PMso it is not default plugin?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:34 PMit is hardcoded for now
probably will stay that way as it is quite small now
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:34 PMwill be removed for average users?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:35 PMno need to remove, just dont activateit
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:35 PMthanks
you shed some light on the development...
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:36 PMto offer a service, you make a plugin, register it with the relays, and respond to requests
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 1:36 PMnice
I expected centralized selection of services
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:37 PMthere will be a core set of plugins
but anybody will be able to make a plugin and if a subset of users runs that plugin, they operate in a universe mostly isolated to themselves
jahl (sprnt)BOT 1:45 PMwht is your personal btc address?
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:46 PMJames, how are L-chains different from Ramchains?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:49 PMLchains are the evolved form of ramchains, it addresses the problem of slow startup and peer validation
so it uses ramchains
to create another layer of data, ie the ledger
it solves the problem of blockchain bloat
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:52 PMso it is the more distilled version of ramchains?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:52 PMnot sure what the right word is...
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:52 PMhaha
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:53 PMthe ledger file for BTCD at 220K blocks is 1MB
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:53 PMwow
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:54 PMof course you still need some support files, but actually you can get the info for the support files from the relays
like i said, evolution of ramchains
the BTC blockchain is growing exponentially, so soon people wont be able to run it locally
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:55 PMyes
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:55 PMbut with Lchain, it will only grow linearly, so people's HDD will keep pace
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:55 PMyes, this is very important right now in the btc world
and all this debate about big blocks will make the problem worse
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:55 PMit is like a train in the movies
the one that is speeding toward the edge of the cliff
but there is no bridge
Lchain is the bridge that will allow for continued use of bitcoin on people's computers
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:56 PMyes, agreed. without that bridge btc becomes much more centralized
and much weaker in the process
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 1:57 PMstill need to have archival nodes to keep a copy of the full blockchain, to be used for verification of the Lchain
ramchains went a bit too far for max performance
so i made some tradeoffs to reduce resource usage, and added a lot more useful data to Lchain
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 1:59 PMnice, can't get away from trade-offs a fact of life
but in this instance it seems like it would be for the better
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:01 PMhaving a super high performance DB system has allowed me to accept making some DB calls for less frequent things
but then I added a ram cache on top of the fastest key/value store DB system
but it is more than just a cache as I have arranged the data to map to consecutive indices, so I can have a packed array that is synchronized to the HDD via DB calls at regular intervals
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:04 PMand this is the backbone for the plug-in system
I heard she's a beautiful girl :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:05 PMactually, Lchain is implemented as several plugins
this allows the Lchain function to be split out from the MGW function
so you can have 10 computers with Lchain to make sure 3+ are available 100% of the time
the MGW function only needs access to the Lchain servers + up to date blockchain locally
then it queries the Lchain, verifies locally and signs, gets consensus, submits
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:06 PMso this will obviously speed up MGW enormously
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:07 PMthe problem with MGW uptime has been that all three had to be in 100% sync at all times
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:07 PMand now they will, right?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:07 PMnow this is not the case, yet we still get the same redundancy, actually more
the Lchain is a data provider to the MGW servers
if all the Lchains are in agreement, that is good enough for MGW to verify locally
so there are actually additional safety checks with this separation of function
now an Lchain server can go offline, but MGW is still running
also the startup time is MUCH improved, but for MGW it wont even matter as it is the Lchain that takes any time to startup
MGW startup will be pretty instant
faster and more reliable
coin confirmation time
+ 10 seconds
but the MGW servers do need to be online
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:09 PMwow, 10 seconds is extremely fast
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:09 PMthe othe rproblem was connectivity
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:10 PMwill the servers still be manually operated?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:10 PM
what do you mean "still be", they are not manually operated now
it is just that they lose connection with each other once every few days and needs to be kickstarted
and then the startup time makes it go offline for a bit
so this removes the need for restarting due to comms problems (assuming it is indeed more reliable)
and downtime due to restarting the ramchain
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:11 PM
Ah, gotcha, maybe i was confused the kickstarting with manual operation :wink:jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:11 PMnow the legacy MGW is running code that is 1 year old!
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:12 PMWhere does teleport fit into all this?
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:12 PMthat is very old code and there really only has been one bug
teleport will be a comms plugin
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:12 PMWill this be a separate plug-in now?
ah, k
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:12 PMany feature you can think of, will be a plugin
remember, SuperNET itself is a BTCD plugin
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMyes :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMI run the plugin host code inside BTCD and SuperNET plugs into it
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMi remember
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMthen it runs the plugin host code so other plugins can plugin
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMthe plug-in system is really elegant
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMand a plugin can broadcast locally, or globally
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:13 PMshould really help to remover barriers from other developers creating their own plug-ins
and developing for SN
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:14 PMwith 100 lines of code, you can make a new plugin, publish its availability to the relays, and start selling subscriptions or whatever
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:14 PMyes, very cool
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:14 PMi know people are impatient, but what I am doing is quite novel
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:14 PMI get how that is infinitely better already
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:14 PMand labor intensive
every step must be 100% solid
99.99% just isnt good enough, and 99.9999% is just barely good enough
the code is getting less
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:15 PMYes for sure. She must be rock solid
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:16 PMwhich is a good sign and indicates convergence to release
you know the puzzle where you are moving numbers around, but there is only one empty slot?
with so much code, it is easy to get to where it is hard to make progress
but with the plugins, now it is like I can just remove the tiles and pop them in wherever it needs to go
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:17 PMso it essentially simplifies things on all levels
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:17 PMthe code isnt directly connected to each other, it is more a "wireless"
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:17 PMincluding the code
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:17 PMno rats nest of cables getting in the way
azeh - Azeh (sprnt)BOT 2:18 PMand allows you to separate the component pieces and plug them in when you need to
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:18 PMit is 1000x easier to get 1000 lines of code 100% than 100,000 lines of code
maybe 10,000x
and the plugins are language independent, even linker independent as they can be in a totally separate process
so everything is interfacing to the same "wireless" broadcast
but the really cool part is that you can "broadcast" just to the local process, just to the local computer or globally across the internet
i still need to put in security safeguards, but first step is to get it working
btcddev - BTCDDev bitcoindark (sprnt)BOT 2:22 PMI always visualize plugins, quite literally, as a plug in to a wall socket. Honestly, that interface is very elegant and extensible. It has the potential to work well with almost any electrical appliance, even machines the designer never could have imagined.
We don't know what plugins people will create for SuperNET
But with a good interface, the possibilities are endless :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:24 PMnow that I have disclosed the new tech, the price is sure to drop 35%
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:24 PMmicrosoft had the same idea with plugins
but there is no universal socket in programming. unless it is a berkley socket
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:25 PMnanomsg
pretty universal
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:25 PMsomehow universal :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:25 PM is abstracting the socket
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:26 PMI know abou mq protocols
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:26 PMand creating half a dozen scalability protocols
ok, the same dev, wrote it in the proper language to make nanomsg
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:27 PMjson and berkley sockets are universal too
I prefer them over mq
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:27 PMi am using json over nanomsg
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:28 PMso much universal :simple_smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:28 PMit supports ws:// to solve most connectivity issues
at least my node which always has connection problems is working with one set of relay servers
blackyblack - Andrew . (sprnt)BOT 2:29 PMgood guys use http
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:29 PMstill cant talk with some of the servers directly, but just need to establish contact with one relay server
then all the relays cross connect
this should solve all the strange InstantDEX connection issues also
it will easily scale to 4000 nodes, which will take a bit of time
during that time it wont be a problem to get a smallworld network topology bootstrapped
i think a chat plugin is a matter of a day's work
btcddev - BTCDDev bitcoindark (sprnt)BOT 2:32 PM@jl777: still thinking to use idex orderbook as a chatroom?
or a new method
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:36 PMchat plugin
just make it respond to a few commands: create channel, join channel
then if joining subscribe, if creating channel publish
use the relays to propagate the messages
easy squeezy
btcddev - BTCDDev bitcoindark (sprnt)BOT 2:38 PMthis will be a nice plugin to draw users
jahl (sprnt)BOT 2:39 PMand a needed one to draw the masses imho
btcddev - BTCDDev bitcoindark (sprnt)BOT 2:40 PMagreed jahl
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:44 PMafter i get the InstantDEX encapsulated in a plugin, that will be two completely different extremes and then additional use cases shouldnt be much extra effort to support
I am hoping that I can move to a supporting role for these types of plugins
jahl (sprnt)BOT 2:44 PMlook @jl777 , since you don't respond to my question, i will have to use a threat, if you don't give me a btc address to which i can donate to you as a sign of appreciation i will not donate the same amount to the btcd dev fund
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:44 PMso I can continue to push forward on the privacy side
btcddev - BTCDDev bitcoindark (sprnt)BOT 2:46 PMbtcddev fund? :smile:
jl777 - james lee (sprnt)BOT 2:46 PM@jahl: sorry didnt realize it was to me. i dont think i ever got any BTC donation before
jahl (sprnt)BOT 2:46 PMwell its about time it started
whts the btcd fund address again?
36vQrrrjT1A8X3s56fdfkYzWzMgjSWhTWY correct?