Initial launch will not support all coins and all exchanges and all trade methods.
I believe in incremental improvements, so at first it will be a limited set of coins, limited set of exchanges and without tiernolan
OK, I think we have the list of supported exchanges above. Which coins will be supported at launch?
If I understand correctly, InstantDEX will at first require that the coins it trades are in a centralized exchange. Because of this, is it fair to say that InstantDEX will at first be a method for combining exchange liquidity instead of a method for trading without trusting a centralized exchange?
Of course anything you leave on a central exchange requires you to trust them. However by having a single unified view as to all the possible orders in all the places, if you see an order that happens to be a direct InstantDEX order, then the natural result is to grab the better price. Remember that all the InstantDEX quotes will only have a few NXT fixed fee vs. the ~0.2% commissions for exchanges.
With all of the MGW assets that are added to all the NXT assets, there will be totally decentralized trading possible, at launch. MGW assets are special assets that map 1:1 to the supported coins, and any NXT assetA/assetB trades via InstantDEX (or NXT AE) is fully totally completely decentralized.
We will support BTC and BTCD for sure, and probably up to a dozen total coins, including most of the SuperNET core coins that support gen1 multisig.
The Top 3 coins (BTC, LTC, XRP) did 97.61% of crypto volume the last 24 hours...
So adding any other coins is basically a Public Service.
You should list BTC, LTC, NXT and BTCD and get that working flawlessly...
And think about adding features such as SHORTING before supporting obscure coins.
Also, your revenue appears based on capturing the bid-ask spread (since the fixed fee won't amount to much)...
I realize that this is a composite spread based on several exchanges...
But the typical spread until you reach MEANINGFUL liquidity (say, $100) is huge for most Alts...
Just a sample of actual bid-ask spreads based on Polo/Bittrex:
NXT..... 1-2%
Pro/Day traders that do most of the volume succeed by:
(a) capturing the spread over and over
(b) riding pumps and trading on inside information
No serious, hi-volume trader is going to give you that spread.
Is InstantDEX Business Model = help day traders capture the spread via Limit Orders by creating "composite liquidity"...
Or, like ShapeShift, is it a "black box" designed to charge the spread to occasional crypto exchangers?
Your fee structure indicates the latter... and is a poor fee structure for the former.