Since you are quite an active user here, scams being pointed out here would reflect all of a sudden in the review site and by the way would be a lot more faster than other sites expose them off. I have spread out the word about BTCGOSU to a newbie who have been searching for gambling review sites in the forum. Long way to go and I hope you would be bringing a lot more innovations in the upcoming days.
Good Luck with the project efialtis and as always great design jayce!
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Indeed - unlike other sites of that kind, my mission with BTCGOSU is to actually provide honest and in-depth reviews while taking action whenever needed. I consider myself an active user of this forum and a real player. Pumping out generic content just like most (all?!) the other sites are doing while promoting proven scammers would be the easier way - that's for sure but this is not what I am trying to achieve with BTCGOSU.
Just have a look at other threads here and you will see they are far from being contributors to this forum...