That kind of political maneuvering: playing with corruption, dealing with terrorists for individual gain is WHY Europe is discipline or morale compass. See, paying a mobster to attack other competitive pools is what BTCGuild did to justify a the pool's Vulture'ing of Slush and Deepbit's members. It is collusion with mobsters; just the very same reason why Italy's government is ripe with corruption.
My opinion: The pool operator and miners that think "he sacrificed his honor (worth $1000) to prevent mobsters from hurting us, and thus targeting our fellow miners in the other big (for now) pools" are corrupt scumbags. Everyone at BTCGuild is paying the $1000! It is just passed along in higher fees and hidden costs (4%?) to the members...just like taxing businesses. It is a short sighted move, cause YOU ALL paid to cause instability in the btc community, financed a criminal enterprises that feeds of extortion and will target BTCGuild again when they are the only big pool to hit.
I think BTCGuild is not only involved, but partnered in the DDOS attacks cause: He already admitted it.
HE paid $1000 to have attackers hit his top competitors and is passing the cost on his members... A scumbag would say "I paid $1000 for protection," however, prosecution would say "you took part in a extortion racket to target your competitors and can't be trusted."
Your corrupt (in bed with mobster) and inefficient pool (8% less than Eligius) which eventually will be cleared by the MARKET in the long term...