75.98% is all loans throu all time, in the beginning there probably was <25% repayment rate when there was no verification of anything needed to be able to apply for loans.
Is there a detailed stats for repayments all/before/after verification? That would be good. I expect +%90 repayment rate to call it a successful service. Otherwise I stay out of that site.
There is limited amout of stats directly avaliable but the stat that is avaliable on the site can be used to get more interesting numbers. If you want specific stats for a specific period for the loans that was taken out back in 2012-early 2013 (probably somewhere in the 20/30%) when there was no verification worth the name then gh2k's 3rd party site that has all loan data up until august 2014 when btcjam broke his scraper with a change of the layout on the site, is probably easier to use to get data from than using btcjams site directly. but to just take some example:
Total BTC repayed(fully repayed loans)
7/7 2014 Repaid Active Funding Overdue
last 6 months (8/1 2014-7/7 2014) 68,60% 14,10% 10,60% 6,80%
last 12 months(8/7 2013-7/7 2014) 69,50% 11,60% 8,50% 10,40%
all time (sept 2012-7/7 2014) 60,10% 6,90% 4,50% 28,50%
last 6 months (23/2 2014-22/8 2014) 70,00% 12,20% 9,90% 7,90%
last 12 months(23/8 2013-22/8 2014) 70,10% 10,60% 8,50% 10,60%
all time (sept 2012-22/8 2014) 61,20% 6,50% 4,70% 27,60%
Total repayed Loans
7/7-2014 Repaid Active Funding Overdue
last 6 months (8/2 2013-7/7 2014) 64% 17,30% 6,30% 12,30%
last 12 months(8/7 2013-7/7 2014) 67,40% 12,10% 4,40% 16,10%
all time (sept 2012-7/7 2014)
66,80% 8,30% 3,0% 21,90%
last 6 months (23/2 2014-22/8 2014) 64,50% 16,10% 5,70% 13,80%
last 12 months(23/8 2013-22/8 2014) 68,50% 11,60% 4,10% 15,80%
all time (sept 2012-22/8 2014)
67,70% 8,30% 2,9% 21,10%
24 oct 2014
71.64% fully repayed loans (and some partially repayed) and the remaining <28.36% is either Active or Overdue
5 april 2015 the stat are at
75.98% fully repayed loans (and some partially repayed) and the remaining <24.02% is either Active or Overdue so when all loans have reached the final repayment date the current fully repayed numbers will probably converge to something like 10% higher(->86%) number and the total will probably be something like 2-5% higher(->88-91%) if you also add payments on partually repayed loans that is currently overdue and defaulted. And the remaining 9-12% the borrower could try to send to some collecting agency or let btcjam handle when they have signed up with some of the collecting agencys they mentioned earlier that they were in negociations with.
7 april
76.10% fully repayed loans
If one looks at smaller timeframes then we have fully repayed loans:
18 oct 2014 -18 dec 2014 at 76.86%
8 nov 2014 - 8 jan 2014 at 80.67%
22 nov 2014 -22 jan 2014 at 81.39%
1 dec 2014 - 1 feb 2015 at 83.11%
1 jan 2014 - 1 mars 2015 at 88.04%
If you look at even shorter timeframes there is periods where fully repayed loans is over 90% for example
7 jan-7 feb when it at 91.32%