Im looking to invest my cold storage stash. Is there some consensus on the rate of return on BTCjam? What can I expect to make annually? Do you see this as a risky investment?
Btcjam post some info from time to time about it, some months ago they mentioned that the overall repayment rate was 87% and that the repayment rate for A rated borrower had been 98% during 2014.
If you would have invested evenly on all A rated borrowers loan you would have made 22-28% profit during 2014 accourding to btcjams official numbers depending on if you invested in normal BTC loans or USD tied loans. For B rated borrowers the numbers were 18,38%/4,12%, C rated 13,65%/-1,05% and so on.
Lending out btc on btcjam is risky just like any investment in the btcworld is but If your able to avoid most of the loans that dont get payed back or only gets partially payed back or your able to collect the missing payments throu collecting agencys/courtsystem in the borrowers country you could of couse do way better than those numbers to but its a learning process to get to know what loans to invest in and what loans/borrowers to avoid. If you decide to try it out i recommend that you start with a learning period of a few months where you only invest small amount and evaluate your result so you get better at screening loans before investing bigger. something like 50%-100% yearly interest is surely possible to achieve as a lender on btcjam if your good at it.