As of right now 197 GH/s have been purchased. 34.803 TH/s remain open to order for purchase still at $8.50 USD per GH/s
Well, keeping with the email (which I have not been able to check yet, but will be able to later today from AM if they've sent me a reply yet) it will be shipped out at the end of November.
But of course. I have to wait until the Comcast guys get here to replace the line to my house that a tree fell on and then fix the coding I was working on when the tree hit for the front end and backend of the stats page. I'll need to call the contractor so I can schedule a visit out there without causing a major disruption in their daily work. Take some photos, get the screen shots of the orders together and put it all into a post, or PDF or even a blog type entry depending on how everyone would like to see the progress taking place.