Announce a road map with masternodes , some development tax and some decentralised governance and watch it go 125 x in price.
Why masternodes though? Isn't that a form of centralization? Check all the infamous coins coming out with DPoS (Lisk, etc...) - an awful algorithm where teams pay themselves and the little guy can't get in.
We were able to create PoSP without needing them, and it was quite a challenge. Every little guy can benefit from PoSP I think it's a good thing, no?
What is actually the best and what people want are not always the same. The successful projects realise this and ride the hype trains to attract investment. From that they extract development funds ready to develop and ride the next hype trains.
This purist knows better what people need more than what they want is what i am hearing from all projects reduced to dust.
Sure everyone right now can all get a fair shot at earning nothing from holding cbx or they can buck their ideas up and accumulate enough for a masternode in a successful project and make a lot of money from a project that is not as fair if you take a philosophical view point.
Sure this fad will blow over in a few months and the next fad that people think they want will be here. You then switch to that. It is not rocket science you watch what people want and give it to them.
The fads provide you the project leaders if you are smart with development funds to develop and ride the next fad.
Right now this fad is cheap, you copy and paste a project with the features you want and change a few params. The next fads may require a lot of coding and the smart projects are now not full open source they are obfuscating the code so it is viewable and you can build from it but to develop from it is a nightmare. Why should projects code and design for years for someone to press copy and paste.
Anyway it is up to you but if you want to get off life support here give people what they want. You will get funds and a community back.
CGB is the name , the devlopment team and the community. |That is all the code is something that can be 100% scrapped or altered at any time to ensure success. Investment is the life blood, you dont attract it you die.
When you see a new fad taking off and all coins employing that said fad taking off with larger MC and new huge investments dont debate why people are all going for it just implement it at once or lose market share and again lose development funding.
Sure masternodes may be a pile of shit. But look at every project that has employed them over the last 3-6 months. They don't have to be a permanent fixture when something else become popular then that is the next move. You need to be dynamic with these models so long as the total minting is not changed HUGELY and people retain their % of that minting every time a fork is needed then who cares what the code base or design is. We just go with what is proven to be hugely attractive for investment.
As yet the governance and dev funding is quite rare in projects so if you can bring that as well as the other hype fads then boom you can say a 20M or greater cap.
**sorry i mean cbx is the name it was called cryptogenic bullion when i started with it ...
I actually think you guys have tried very hard but you are not catching on with the difference between what is better and what people want. You are swimming against a very powerful torrent.