Markets are useful in different ways to different people. You can use them to buy things you need. You can use them as a hedge. Or, you can try to game the market and win money playing patty-cake.
If you're in the latter category - if you're in the market to game it - you have to accept that it's a negative-sum game. If you're winning, it means someone else is losing; people who bought at the wrong time line the pockets of the people who sold to them, and people who sold at the wrong time line the pockets of the people who bought from them. If you're playing the game, that's the math of it.
Well of course. I'm just wondering what OPs motivation behind this post is.
Well yes you guessed it, it's the pigs who bring the profit to everybody who knows what they are doing.
The purpose of this thread is just to clarify the terminology and help to avoid its abuse in the future.