Jetzt habe ich noch einen zweiten creepMiner-1.7.16 an meinen PC in Betrieb genommen
14:12:21: creepMiner 1.7.16 Unix x64
14:12:21: Release mode -CUDA -OpenCL +SSE4 +AVX +AVX2
14:12:21: ----------------------------------------------
14:12:21: Github:
14:12:21: Author: Creepsky [
[email protected]]
14:12:21: Burst : BURST-JBKL-ZUAV-UXMB-2G795
14:12:21: ----------------------------------------------
14:12:32: Could not load config file mining.conf
14:12:32: Trying to load the config file /root/.creepMiner/1.7.16/mining.conf
14:12:32: Changed logfile path to
14:12:32: /var/log/creepMiner/creepMiner_20180310_131221.798739.log
14:12:32: Config file loaded: /root/.creepMiner/1.7.16/mining.conf
14:12:32: Submission Max Retry : 5 seconds
14:12:32: Buffer Size : 128 (128 MB)
14:12:32: Submission URL :
14:12:32: Mininginfo URL :
14:12:32: Wallet URL :
14:12:32: Server URL :
14:12:32: Target deadline : 20d 15:00:00
14:12:32: Log path : /var/log/creepMiner/creepMiner_20180310_131221.798739.log
14:12:32: Total plots size: 9.00 GB
14:12:32: Mining intensity : 3
14:12:32: Max plot readers : 1
14:12:32: Get mining info interval : 3 seconds
14:12:32: Processor type : CPU
14:12:32: CPU instruction set : SSE2
14:12:32: Looking for mining info...
14:12:37: got new target deadline from pool
14:12:37: old pool target deadline: 00:00:00
14:12:37: new pool target deadline: 1y 0m 5d 00:00:00
14:12:37: target deadline from config: 20d 15:00:00
14:12:37: lowest target deadline: 20d 15:00:00
14:12:37: --------------------------------------------------
14:12:37: block# 467.012
14:12:37: scoop# 1048
14:12:37: baseTarget# 70.126
14:12:37: gensig 98779b48405e8d8c3ea5ae735f210740
14:12:37: be07e66aef7ce8c11e169f4fdb4d09e7
14:12:37: difficulty 261.318 (+261.318)
14:12:37: --------------------------------------------------
14:12:37: --------------------------------------------------
14:12:37: last block winner:
14:12:37: block# 467.011
14:12:37: winner-numeric 9883441638135033418
14:12:37: winner-address HVLC-TSHP-FGK4-ABACL
14:12:37: winner-name Martin
14:12:37: Pool PoCC Pool: 50-50
14:12:37: --------------------------------------------------
14:12:37: Dir /home/plotdir/ read in 0.383s (~5.87 MB/s)
14:12:37: 2 files (9.00 GB)
14:12:37: Processed block 467.012
14:12:37: round time: 0.387s
14:12:37: best deadline: 177y 1m 2d 02:22:29
14:14:33: Block 467.012 ended in 00:01:55
ich habe nun mal auf dem Webserver von dem creepMiner nachgesehen, da gibt es noch eine menge INFOs ....
Ich denke der Miner macht also was, vielleicht auch was sinnvolles.