it is true, in running a process it will not be easy, also most people fail in this one thing, people who do not have a consistent or stand they will easily give up with the occurrence of problems, whereas in my opinion a problem that occurs must be faced instead of being left or left, because by facing the existing problems it also makes us a lesson that can be taken on the bright side, If someone who cannot overcome his problems well then the possibility of that person will not get progress in his business, someone who wants to succeed of course they have to sacrifice to achieve success, I mean there must be sacrifice and struggle, because as you said there is nothing instant in this world when it comes to success, everything has its own process. and anyone can be successful if they want to try. and anyone can succeed if they want to try well and also don't rush in deciding something that will determine the future.
Carrying out the process requires persistence and patience because if someone cannot persist, they will never achieve success. Starting a business requires preparing many things as support and there will be big challenges when people try to go through the process. This is where people learn how to build their own abilities because there is a lot of competition in the business sector that needs to be considered in order to compete and when they are not able to compete then the business will never develop.
In life nothing happens suddenly because it takes a long process to reach the stage of success. Not everyone can run a business because apart from requiring skills and capital, there are many other things that need to be prepared. Anyone will definitely experience boredom when they want to start, but those who are ready for tests and trials will be the ones who will succeed.
Therefore, before running a business, please study a lot to understand every aspect related to the business you are going to run. running a business and enterprise will of course have its own challenges and they must be able to be faced well, because if not then the business you are running will probably not develop and this is a problem in a business, because there are people who start a business but they don't pay attention the risks that exist, so that when problems occur in their business they are shocked and panicked and also confused because they don't know how to deal with existing problems well, this can be avoided or minimized by learning at the beginning before starting a business or venture, many fail in doing business, this is probably due to a lack of good understanding of the business that is being run, if you really want the business and business to develop, of course you have to learn from the start regarding what you are doing, because every thing definitely has its own risks, therefore the importance of learning and understanding something that will be carried out, also with the clear competition that will exist, this must be paid attention to, because of course people will do their best for their business so that it can attract many people, and we must pay attention to this, wherever possible maybe we should be able to market our products optimally and in a different way from other people, maybe that can attract lots of people's interest in our products.
Of course that's the case, to achieve success of course there must be struggle and a process, it can't just happen like that. It is also true that not everyone has skills in business, because everyone has their own skills, and it is not possible for everyone to be successful in the business world, this is clear. but however, I think they can be successful as long as they themselves have a strong desire for what they want and are consistent with what they want.