Hey all,
Bufferfly labs released a picture of their Jalapeno via their Facebook page yesterday. Here
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=471626712869140&set=a.471626709535807.109652.470018806363264&type=1&theaterI've been so back and forth in weather or not I should pre-order. I truly want an ASIC SC Single like there's no tomorrow, but still scared to throw 1,300 dollars down on an item we know very little about. I figure do a tester Jalapeno sale first. I also think you myself, "Hell, Ill just pay with Paypal. I'll be protected!" But I am now finding out this is not the case. I pulled this up right from PayPal's website.
Does PayPal permit transactions for pre-sale items?
Pre-sale items are advertised for sale before the seller has the items. Often, these items are sold before they are available to the general public. Or, the seller uses the funds from the sale to purchase the item that has already been sold.
PayPal permits pre-sales on a limited basis, only if the seller guarantees delivery within 20 days from the date of purchase and clearly identifies the item as a pre-sale. PayPal may apply additional conditions, such as proof of the seller's ability to successfully deliver the product: supplier information, purchase invoices, postal information or proof of delivery.
Located at this URL
https://www.paypal.com/helpcenter/main.jsp;jsessionid=ycyGQpycKN2PGMhxLNHGnGtPLyQTvgJnxSggXtbRgSsGM2t14V3l!-814418063?locale=en_GB&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=GB&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9010&t=solutionTab&ft=browseTab&ps=solutionPanels&solutionId=163756&isSrch=YesSo I don't know what to do
. I currently have 1 6750 video card, and it takes me 20 days to get 1 bitcoin hahaha. I finally hit .5 just today lol! I really want to get going here, but keep finding myself questioning doing a pre-order. Its pretty lame I can't just put in a pre-order, and have ease of mind. I also thought about doing this: Order up a FPGA Single, and then next month put in an upgrade order for the SC Single paying the difference. This way I can mine a "little bit faster" now, but also be able to trade in if and when ASICs hits. But then again, ordering at the end of next month puts me so far back at the end of the line. What to do what to do... I also found this link that someone posted on the Butterfly Labs Facebook page from the Bitcoin conference.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT-smMzg54k&feature=colikeThis video seems a little reassuring even if I ordered later.
BAH! I feel like Im stuck between a rock and a hard spot on what I can do to get going here as as fast as possible. You all have scared me that Butterfly Labs may be a scam, yet I want to believe they will deliver on these ASICs very badly. Plus I want to get going asap due to my lack of hardware. .5 coins in 10 days just sucks hahaha.
Anyways the primary point of this was to point out that PayPal will not back you it seems, I hope this laid out some incite for some.