Of course, you can talk about whatever you like, but if you are talking about buying and selling as a kind of basic approach to investing, then maybe you are not even clear about what investing means, since you are talking about trading rather than investing.
Yeah, a lot of folks make the same dumbass mistake, and they act like their getting in and out of some asset (whether bitcoin or anything else) is actually investing, when it better fits into the category of trading and or gambling.
From the ideas I have gotten from this forum now trading is a no for me when it comes to bitcoin investment, I'm planning on hodling and I will use the DCA method mentioned here in this forum for me I think is the best I don't need to wait for the fall of Bitcoin before I can start accumulating I will start now since is a very very long time investment am going into.
Thanks JayJuanGee for your intelligent write-ups, I went back and I saw a lot of your write-ups and it has really changed my way of thinking about Bitcoin investment.
I am glad that you are rethinking your earlier practices - especially if you had been thinking that selling is a good way to accumulate more bitcoin.. so if you can figure out some kind of an amount of weekly investment amount that is reasonable to you, whether that is $100 per week or $10 per week, you can start out some kind of an ongoing BTC accumulation plan and to study bitcoin at the same time in order to perhaps become more confident in your own choices regarding how much to buy, how long to accumulate it and how much bitcoin that you might think that you might need before you might start to change your strategy into something other than ongoing accumulation... and one of the things with bitcoin is that anyone can get into it at amounts that work for them, yet they still may have to figure out how to hold it themselves and various other kinds of learnings about bitcoin in order that bitcoin may have greater chances to give them more rather than fewer options in their own futures.
I believe this is why we’re here to raise concerning conversations and talk about ways to simplify investments and derive the best possible outcome, most new comers getting into crypto and buying Bitcoin come bearing the same thing in mind which is investing for a short period of time.
This only emphasizes the usefulness of this platform and threads like this aimed at educating investors on how to buy and hold which is the anthem of all crypto enthusiasts hoping to become mighty whales some day.
It Will make more sense if only you can be more specific in terms of using the word crypto such that if you are referring to Bitcoin you can just say Bitcoin or probably mention the other coins that your are making reference to , another important thing I want to talk about is the fact the only coin that has holding potential is Bitcoin as it has a solid foundation such that other coins performance depends on it , so for me it doesn't really make sense for anyone to say that to buy and hold is the anthem of all crypto enthusiasts whereas is a Bitcoin long term investment discussion thread.
I see where you’re going with this and you’re absolutely right, I was also referring to Bitcoin thanks for the notice I’ll be careful with my wordings next time to avoid any confusion of any sort.