The benefits of buying a home are too numerous to count.
If you are staying long, you spend money once and never have to worry about keeping up with your rent; the money you spend will just be for maintenance or to add some more facilities to your home to make it more comfortable.
If you also do not have plans to stay long on the property, there is also the possibility of earning money by renting it out to other people for a certain amount of time. When you buy a home, you are also the owner of the land, and you can decide to pull down the structure.
The decision starts from your financial status initially,renting can be cheaper than buying a new house or an apartment.However,the financial benefits of buying a house can also be a relief.For those that just got married recently,it very important to ask yourself questions before you take a final decision,because the decision between renting and buying depends on finances,your lifestyle and future plans.
Most of all,having/buying a home is Equally necessary especially when you're financially capable.Life becomes sweeter when you're able to meet up with certain lifestyles.From when you're single,getting married,and for those with young children putting down some of the risks that would be involved.