This topic has come up quite a few times over the years on this board. A lot of the discussion around it has mostly been others opinions. I found this neat little graph online (instagram) from the New York Times that compares the two. Now keep in mind one's location will certainly have an effect on which one might make more sense, even in what part of you own country you're in.
I am a firm believer that you lose money when you rent a house especially if you consider it long-term.
The problem with renting is if you plan to stay in that house long-term, then it will definitely hurt your financials the more you stay there. If you plan to stay at a place for more than 8+ years, then it is better to really purchase the home instead of renting it.
In the Philippines, the average rent of condominium units is around $270-$350 per month on a studio unit. If you purchase a unit, it will probably cost you around $60,000 - $70,000 depending on the condo and its location. That is the reason on why your plan is essential in making a decision whether you want to rent or not.
You plan to stay temporarily in such area? Better rent;
You plan to stay at least permanently on that location or at least for a long time? Better purchase the lot/unit.