Jeeeez, Hope you aren't so dumb in real life...Can you read a text ? a Whitepaper ? Stop talking about Buzzcoin at this moment. You're talking about the OLD BUZZCOIN...
Now we're talking about BUZZCOIN 5.0. Wait the update and the swap and after that maybe you could talk in this topic about Buzzcoin. Stop to being dumb and ignorant pls.
"Our innovative devices for beekeepers collect bee hive data in real-time and rewarding the users in cryptocurrency for providing the analytic data. This additional income will encourage the widespread usage of the BC-HMD. In addition to the hives health and threat detection, our technology will be able to measure if the bee hives are maintained according to ethical beekeeping standards." - Whitepaper
"the BUZZcoin Hive Mind Network it will be automatically analyzed and made available to the beekeeper and can also be offered to researchers, scientists and special interest groups worldwide." - Whitepaper
Organization, scientists, governments will pay to get an access in the network "Buzzcoin" to facilitate their studies. It's a big gain of time and money to them. They will get datas from around the world without need to travel.
This money will increase the price of the Buzzcoin token and at each new rewards, the beekeeper's gain will be bigger and bigger...
Where's your problem ?
Look: in a previous post Claudia Durrwatcher answered me that the bussiness plan was to sell the data to NASA and another organization (I think she said DSA or something like this). She spoke about 5.0 not the old one (you wise guy). You will not find these posts because later she deleted them.
So: are you telling me that your bussines plan is to do bussiness with someone so weak as NASA? Do you really think that NASA is not going to set up its own net. In fact they have one allready. Do you really mean that "governments" are going to sit down with you in a table and pay you. No. They will set their own network to increase their budgets their power and the "friendly" people they are going to give jobs in that new organization. Are you really that naive? You are triying to deal with people that is much, much, more stronger than you will ever be in your whole life. It is like telling us that you are going to do bussiness with Amazon. Buzzcoin might suceed but it is very very unlikely and it is very very risky that why its price is almost zero.
Where's your problem ?
Ok answer theses questions if you are so smart... Apple, the first company to reach the trillion has bought "Shazam". Why did they do that ? They are more powerful than shazam. They could make their own "Shazam". But No, they used shazam and after that they bought it.
I think you don't understand what business is. The biggest companies are lazy and prefer to use a device, a product to test it before to make a partnership or to buy it if they are more powerful than the company who created the product. And that's why there are so many start up in the world, why there are many incubators and why the biggest companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft etc. invest in incubators or startups. The crypto world works like that too...