I think the protests after some time will cease. If the police will not use the brutal crackdown. Because cruelty begets cruelty. And before the civil war is not far away!
the hardest part for the us leos is the agent provocateurs and others trouble makers (looters, opportunists). I hope that the CIA and co realize that Russia didn't exploit it. Contrary to what they did during the Olympics, putting firmly Russia on the highest moral ground.
I hope that Trump will be able to reassure the American people from all communities of his sincerity in Making America Great Again for All Americans and by extension the World. As a great America is great for the world.
i for one will enjoy seeing the silicon valley psychos given a good squeeze. they're at the pointy end of turning most of the world into a broke ass uber surveilled wasteland. it's inevitable anyway but let's make them suffer for it in the meantime.
I don't think the terms psychos is well chosen. Some have abused their powers balantly... but no one force you to use their "services". Use open source, p2p, like diaspora rather than faceproot... you know complaining is useless.
I agree that they believe that by cooperating with TPTB they will be spared... how noobish... most knowledgeable people in egyptians tombs building had to die with the One ordering it. Or at least that's the rumors... I wasn't there
I think the protests after some time will cease. If the police will not use the brutal crackdown. Because cruelty begets cruelty. And before the civil war is not far away!
It will die down gradually. Remember 2004? After GWB was elected for the second term, there were similar riots and protest marches (albeit on a smaller scale). Slowly these idiots will come back to their senses. Just give them some time.
the problem is that at the time, the UN and the "cultural marxists" and co were really marginalized... now they were ready to compromize with the witch to get their way... their one world order. What they don't get is that I believe that my opinion of differents legal system in different area is widely more understood in wall street than in the public.
It's too dangerous to have only one law... How to hedge legal risk in such condition? Lyod would not be happy, I bet. it's called redundancy. it's so basic.
but we all understand that the goal of the one law, is to grant themselves immunity for their crimes... like in Haiti with cholera were they claim immunity and don't answer the press... you just have to watch ban kim moon snubing all journalists...
But in all events their plan is doomed. CCCP will not surrender China sovereignty without waging a hell of a fight.
Edit: I wanted to apologize to the cia as it was nuland, biden and querry that went on destroying ukraine for various geo strategical goals (who backfired) but I remembered Brennan landing with his plan in Kiev... what a pimper.