This becomes a serious problem because anonymous bitcoins will make everyone think of putting money into bitcoin so nobody can keep track so money is safer.
Tell me what is the diffrence between your Point and the fact that people put already money in
tax paradises since the 60s... Just check Cayman Islands, Swiss Bank or Luxemburg... So iam not with you in this matter...
Yes i think it can because the bitcoin value is really high and a lot of hackers are active in bitcoin. So you can like easily get scammed or get hacked and if the get a hold of your online wallet information you will lose everything.
Yes, you can if you do not research on the Internet or Invest in Stuff without any/much expirience.
You can also get Scammed Investing/Spending $/€ into business Online like Revenue Share Sites like
Trafficmonsoon was and lose tons of Funds and nobody can anything on it!
Or your Processor like Paypal or Payza or whatever gets Hacked and the Hacker purchase
Items with your Money or better just cash it out on Bitcoin or other Fake Accounts.
Same for you sir, iam not a even a lil bit on your Side...