Technical indicators are confirmatory indicators of a specific market trend, where the basic indicators are used to determine whether the market will witness an increase, pumping of the price, stability, stabilization or correction, and then the technical indicators come to support or contradict this assumption.
If you do not have knowledge of the basic indicators, technical indicators will not give you accurate or reliable results. Therefore, there are no reliable technical indicators for beginners. As for experts, when these indicators give different results, some of them are more reliable than other indicators, and so on.
Even just simply making use 2 or 3 indicators would already suffice on which it is really that enough to find out on where prices could eventually go but just like been said by most people on here is that this isnt
really something that you could really be having that assurance that you could really be able to predict on where prices would go. There's no such thing about successful indicators because every each of those
does have their own usage and you are the ones who would really be able to find out on which one works for you or the indicators on which you've seen that you do comfortably be able to make use.
In speaking of learning these things then we've seen that there are really those basic indicators on those trading charts on each exchangers.
It is really just that depending on you on how to learn those definitions and its usage. Google would be always your friend.