For example, by "wallstreet" i mean:
Banks, Hedge Fund, Pensions Fund, All kind of investment firms etc...
Lets say that these companies have around i dont know 1 Trillion dollars worth of investments (the money they want to invest somewhere (like stocks, housing, gold, commodities, etc.) (the 1 trillion number is just my number, i dont know the actual number)
They would made up their mind to invest 5% of their wealth into bitcoin (thats 50 Bilion dollars), and would expect (i dont know) a 100% appreciation of their investment in a year (because BTC had such a nice ride the past years), so they would expect to have around 100 Bilion dollars worth of BTC after a year of their initial investment.
Lets say the current BTC price is 833, the market cap is 10 000 000 000 (10 bilions dolars), there are 12 000 000 existing BTCs (that makes 10 bilions divide 12 milion coins = cca 833 dolars per coin). If 50 Bilion dolars would enter the market ( the markep cap would be 60 bilion dolars), thus driving the price of 1 BTC to 5 000 USD. And Wallstreet would like to double their investment in a year (receive additional 100% from their investment, making that 100 Bilion dollars)... So the bitcoin market cap would have to reach 110 Bilions market cap before Wallstreet would consider that it met it goal (and consider i dont know, staying or slowly cashing out)... So 110 Bilions BTC market cap would mean cca 9 200 USD per 1 BTC...
The additional 50 Bilion USD (the profit wallestreat wants to make) would have to come from other sources, like normal companies, or the regular people... Is this possible?
This was just and example, but you get the point... did anybody did this analysis (predictions) before me with REAL numbers? Is is possible for wallstreat as a whole "entity" to get "seriously" interested in BTC?
That isn't how it works in general. If $50 Billion entered the market, the market cap would probably be nearly 10 times as much - $500 Billion - because their buying in would increase the price so much. The way to remember it is that prices are set at the margin, eg by those who are buying and selling and most bitcoin wouldn't be sold so the demand would be immense.
Putting $10 billion in would probably be enough to give us a $50-100 Billion market cap.