Like the original challenge, the reward will be given to the person that provides:
- forum account id of 'real me'
- any IP-address that could be traced to my real identity by authorities
- my 'real' email address
I will use the same rules:
- Rules are to be interpreted by me, in case of dispute, I am right, you are wrong
- you must post here one of the above infos and a bitcoin address to which the bounty should be sent
- you must provide a credible story of how you obtained the info
- a 'hunch' is not enough, no guessing
- I can change these rules at any time and will do so in OP (Original Post, the one you're reading)
- the state of the OP at the time of claim is decisive for the rules, so please quote OP when claiming bounty
If you can find out my real name and/or address and/or telephone number, then PM me for some/all the reward.
Also like the original, I'll give away small amounts of bitcoin (0.05-0.1 BTC) to people pointing out flaws/mistakes/possible improvements regarding my anonymity. These rewards will come from the total 2.5BTC reward, so the sooner someone identifies me the more bitcoins they get.
Eventually I will allow theymos to release all info held about me, blindmixerdr (connection logs & times etc). But not yet. Also, I will soon publish the address of a bitcoin mixing service (onion address). Maybe that will give more clues.
Please note that I am trying very hard to be anonymous. But I will say that I am a long time user of this forum.
You are Octavian - a difficult match since the other account has few posts:
1 - uncommon hyphenation in the word IP-address, over-hyphenation elsewhere,
2 - frequent use of slash/stroke to separate two options,
3 - 'single quotes' where they aren't needed, or when other posters would use "double quotes",
4 - And beginning sentence fragments with conjunction
5 - account was logged into yesterday (not abandoned...)
Just one example:
Subject: Are there security issues with Bitcoin for Free / Faucet-Services?
I just asked a question - why getting personal?
There might be some 'Free Bitcoins'-sites which track BTC addresses when they are reused for the transactions history.
And the sites have the corresponding user's IP-address also...
Have a good day.

There are very thin threads connecting this IRL Octavian - exposure to Bitcoin through producing TWiST, but there are the single quotes all over the twitter. I'm choosing Mihai over Octavian Cara who is in the UK; the OP is leaking multilingual grammar.