I'd like to clarify that this topic is distinguished from businesses or entrepreneurs involved in gambling as businesses, such as casino companies, etc., but with a focus on gamblers. I know there are many people who regard themselves as professionals at playing gambling games, but do you ever think that one can make gambling a full-time job and career because of his or her deep knowledge of the games? Can someone bet with little or no loss because it is one of the most unpredictable games to play?
Gambling to my understanding, is a trial-and-error game with uncertain outcomes, unpredictability, and luck. Therefore, professional gamblers must exhibit a deeper than usual understanding of the games, the statistical probabilities, and a high level of risk management skills.
However, it is critical to realize the risks involved, which include unstable financial circumstances and potential addiction problems. So, pursuing a gambling career should be approached with serious caution, and gamblers ought to be well-informed about the accompanying problems. Furthermore, I believe that having various sources of income and taking calculated risks will be highly beneficial.
But, in a broader sense, can you make gambling a career path, abandoning all other sources of income to focus entirely on it?
If so, why?
If not, please advise!
It’s not all about the money and strategy, there is a huge psychological component, and you’d better know yourself well, not just how you handle stress and pain, but how you handle euphoria and adrenaline rush. Do you have to use anti anxiety relief? Do you take care of yourself physically? You have to be in top shape mentally, but physically you must be on top of your game, also. Sitting and standing for long periods of time with intense focus will be excruciating if you aren’t physically ready for it which will lead to mental distress, leading right back to self-medicating. Gambling professionally takes more than money and strategy. It takes stamina, guts and the mental prowess to let go and/or go on the offense/defense when need be.
Remember, you don’t need to win x amount of units to be successful. Actually you only need to win just 1% more than your stake over a year to live a nice life. Never chase losses, accept losses are part of the process and just move on. Think of bet, say it’s Evens. It’s only going to win 50% of the time. The sooner you accept nothing is 100% the quicker you’ll understand losses are simply part of the game.