That help page is talking about Coinbase exchange accounts, and not about the Coinbase Wallet app, which are two different things.
With his public key I can see these addresses and his transactions, but not the one he wants.
Try changing that derivation path to m/0, m/2, m/3, etc., and seeing if anything shows up. Note that if the derivation path does follow BIP84 as it seems to from HCP's screenshots above, then you won't be able to find the address with only the master public key due to the hardened derivation.
How can he give me a Xpub and a Ypub, so that I can scan them also on that website?
xpubs and ypubs will not generate "bc1" addresses by default without some tinkering, and I would suspect it is highly unlikely that Coinbase will have done something non-standard like this. If you really want to look at them too, then your friend will need to import his seed in to Electrum, and select either "legacy (p2pkh)" for the xpub or "p2sh-segwit (p2wpkh-p2sh)" for the ypub on the wallet creation screen.
Mmh, interesting. I will make him open a new wallet with electrum using the legacy or p2sh-segwit option then. Although I doubt that's going to do anything given that the address with the money starts with bc1 so it should be segwit.
I really don't understand why he has TWO zpubs... he should only have one...
It's ridiculous, why would the derivation path change? I understand the address but the derivation path too?
I doubt that it
has changed... what you are seeing is the "change" addresses from his wallet...
When you send Bitcoin, you often end up with change (
read here to understand why)... HD wallets adhering to the BIP44 spec generate a separate group of addresses for this purpose... as per the derivation path format:
m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / [b]change[/b] / address_index
Because of the way Electrum works, when you put the seed in, it actually derives the master private and public keys at the
account level... and stores those in the wallet file. So it's basically "hiding" the m/84'/0'/0' part from you... and you need to use the m/0/x and m/1/y paths to find the receive and change addresses, respectively.
That fact that you can see "used" addresses on the m/
1/0 path, indicates that the address you have found is a "change" address... you
should be able to see other active addresses on the
same public key using m/0/0
Having said that... something seems REALLY off here:
That is technically a "change" address, but the sending address in the transaction that it received coins from is an old Legacy address... so... either:
1. The Coinbase Wallet App is setup to ALWAYS use SegWit change addresses (regardless of sending address type)
2. The Coinbase Wallet App gave out a "change" address as a receive address
Can you ask your friend if he recognises either of the "1" addresses in this transaction:
Are either of these addresses his? or does he remember receiving from 15FfborJuBXicY93ymX9QPf9nrQ6mHeH3k or sending to 1JuYbj6L8UCtBF5cJHFPaNb3kJEJcPXN8h?
He gave me 2 different zpub public keys because I made him open different wallets on electrum trying to manually change the derivation path with some that I found online.
Now I'll ask him to open a legacy wallet too, maybe that's the issue, no idea.
I'll ask him your question regarding those 2 addresses as well. Thanks