ood day all---A few words on perspective.........
Regarding markets, pricing and any cryptos viability: I would ask that any supporters of DOOM , or any crypto for that
matter consider a few thoughts. To give ourselves some perspective on "coins", which are really just running networks,
and their evolution, we should take a look back at other successful networks and their trends.
Choose any coin which you may consider successful and look at it's current status, price trends, graphs, pricing history,
algo and innovation. What is a healthy coin or its network? What are the criteria for determining health?
Making these assessments takes a period of data and reasonable deduction. For example, how many of us miners
and investors made the call on let's say, Darkcoin. Take a look at DRK's trend, I would assume we would all agree that
it is considered "successful" by most...
http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/darkcoin/ ...you can see over 60 days of
stability prior to significant adoption, this is the work of intelligent investors making patient determinations.
DOOM is 4 market days old. DOOM cannot be force mined now to any degree that could affect market manipulation.
DOOM is a fast anon network with a stand out algo. When darkcoin came out these are the same traits that it possessed.
4 days is not enough time to begin to worry about health just because your mining profits seem low.
To protect our investments, the ones worthy of protecting when all factors are taken into consideration, we must think
Look back at just this last month and ask yourself, what/who will survive and why-----
Here is suggestion for those of you having some doubts or fears....
Assuming the majority of you here that would end up reading this, are miners and small time investors. If at this point
you are worried about your short term profits because DOOM's structure is affecting your "quick" money, I have some
advice. Think.....
If as stated before, force accumulation (mining) cannot yield an unfair advantage, this is good. Stop trying to gauge
success by this criteria alone.
If your concern comes from what you see short term on the markets, this too is misguided.
Long term success, and much larger profits are going to be achieved by doing the following:
Do not mine for short term gain: avoid anxiety
Mine with a portion of your resources: create stability (you can rent mining rigs for P/D coins, this is not a one of them)
Hold out for higher prices: do not dump to whales (there are plenty who will, don't be one of them)
Be patient: let the market do what it should (you likely do not haves the funds to force the market)
Give the developers time: they will do what they need to do (do what you do, intelligently)
Thanks for reading this....good work everyone, keep it up. Any comments on my thoughts are appreciated, debate brings
growth and dialogue gives us a chance to work together.