I've read some people think get.CAPTcoin.com is a captcha farm.
Of course it's not a captcha farm. Here's the official statement:
Several people seem to think that
get.CAPTcoin.com is some kind of captcha farm.
That would mean that those 3 captchas come from other sites, or from bots trying to batch spam.
That is completely inaccurate.Captchas are used for these reasons:
- People must invest time and effort to claim their coins. Therefore, they will appreciate them and won't dump them.
- Prevent anybody from using bots to claim an unfair share. Anybody can claim several times, but only investing real time.
- Anybody can claim. Mining rigs are not required.
Here's an analysis of all 3 captchas.
1) Google's reCaptcha:Google system takes advantage of the captcha being solved to improve its Google Maps (when it displays numbers) or Google Books (when it displays letters).
However, it does not pay anybody to have the captchas solved. It offers a free service for free benefit.
Some captcha farms offer the service to solve reCaptcha. People who hire those companies usually have bad intentions.
From what I've researched, you can recognize a reCaptcha is being served from a captcha farm (instead of Google itself) because only the image is served.
On the other hand, a reCaptcha served directly by Google has the instructions and the button to display another image.
You can also check the source code of the website to verify it's calling Google directly:
2) Visual Captchahttp://visualcaptcha.net/ offers the source code to implement a self-hosted captcha system.
Again, you can check the source code to verify it's using that system.
window.vCVals = {
'f': 'captForm',
'n': 'vcd1hzpura',
'a': 'captcha-accessibility-value'
I invite developers to check the official
Visual Captcha 4.2 and compare with the implementation on
3) CAPTcoin's own captchaThis captcha was created specifically for CAPTcoin. It has several securities, including IP, timing, among others. I won't give further details until distribution is over.
No other website is using this captcha so it's impossible someone can pay to have it solved.
Captcha farms are a big threat to Internet. They allow SPAM bots to work, and create an unsafe and uncomfortable environment.
CAPTcoin is 100% against them!