It will eventually be over...
The TRUE value of CAPT will be determined by many many other factors...
I like this distribution... the traded value of CAPT is simply a free market rate. Your time and effort is only a belief in the future of CAPT...
It doesn't really matter what the traded value is now... what matters is what happens in the future...
My point about BTC was a sarcastic observation. BTC was nearly worthless for years..... yet a few people mined it... stuck it out and look what happened... this coin could easily go way way up... ( perhaps not to BTC levels but who knows )
Grab your coins... and come up with some great ideas... the dice game is fun, the ponzi is rather insane but it is fun as well..
I would like to see more games to play....
I would also like to hear some T-SHIRT design ideas... I would like to make a cold wallet QR code T-shirt for CAPT...
Or how about a CAPT baseball style cap?
I would like to see a 'cartoon-like' mascot ( like the linux penguin ) for CAPT...
Get those ideas out!
Love the idea. what about setting up some graphic contest ? I'm ready to put some of my CAPT in the pot... lets say 150 CAPT ?