Be careful using your metamask and other wallets , i have encounter that my funds are being stolen automatically and being sent to a certain address, experience this in binance network, other coins are not stolen only the bnb token, every time funds are being sent, there is a few seconds before your funds will automatically sent to an address.
This is an extraordinary experience and can teach us to be careful. Connecting an online wallet is indeed risky, especially when we try to connect with a certain platform that we don't trust. Or when we click on a link and it turns out to be phishing. Currently, there are many ways hackers and scammers carry out cyber attacks and steal our assets. This is just one example and I'm sure there are other ways they use it.
What i actually saying is that you wouldn't have shared this screenshot above here because it doesn't represent anything meaningful and besides it was on old transaction and how does people believe what you are saying. This transaction was made about 251 days ago and how does this related to your post or topic, is there anything to understand here? It would have been better you created it as suggestions than as a witness to someone whom have fallen victim.
In my opinion, whether this is true or not, we can take lessons from all of this. We will never know what will happen next and by reading ii, we will become more aware and careful. It may not seem so believable, but the lessons that can be drawn from this possible experience are well worth it. It's true, we need to be more careful in connecting our online wallet so that we can avoid something bad happening to us. Regardless whether we believe in the story above, it's up to us. The important thing is that we learn the lesson.