Be careful using your metamask and other wallets , i have encounter that my funds are being stolen automatically and being sent to a certain address, experience this in binance network, other coins are not stolen only the bnb token, every time funds are being sent, there is a few seconds before your funds will automatically sent to an address.
So how will us be able to transfer tokens to a new address? here is what i did- Prepare funds for transfer of your token to a new wallet, don't make exact value or amount since gas fee's changes
- Create a new wallet from another computer don't create a new wallet on the same computer
- Select assets and make the transaction ready, remember that what ever automation made from your wallet has delays of few seconds
- On the other computer or laptop send the funds to the old wallet where you need to remove your other tokens, then send the token to your new address
- In the process once your old wallet received the funds, the transfer of you made from your old wallet will be the first to process
- Repeat this process until you transfer all your tokens to the new address
This process may or might not work with others but i have tried this to two of my friends, then i suggest format your computer, to make sure since my suspicion are computer might be infected of a certain malware, or because of the connection you made before to a certain app, or network on a chain.
I hope this will be able to help others who might experience it before or in the future
As you can see to the transactions we made funds are being sent out once we send decent amount to the wallet
so next time be very careful on where you connect those metawallets or other wallets to avoid this king of trouble