Sorry to hear that you lost your bets, but that is the way of combi bets. One single bet can ruin our whole predictions, that is why I try to avoid them as much as possible, or only combine two or three bets the most. It's nice what kind of odds you get from combi bets, while also increasing the risk considerably. With your bets you ended up at odds of 10.36, which is very high in my opinion, these bets should fail more often than you win them. I usually only go for 2 or 3x bets. Making a 10x return is nice, but is not going to happen to often. We should keep that in mind and prepare ourselves for the worst possible outcomes. That is why I always like to take out some part of my winnings and not reinvest all of my money in the next bet. There can always go something wrong with a bet and if we lose all our money from previous bets it is sad. Also the problem with losing all our money in a single bet is that we will have trouble to recover again. Splitting up our money and saving some makes sure that we can cover a losing streak more easily.