My tight buns are all the currency I need when the world ends.
Everything other than that needed to defend or sustain life is an abstract irrelevance in a full on collapse. All those gold stackers will get just as much of rude awakening as the space cadets trying to trade their paper wallet for some antibiotics after their cock's gone green.
That's no joke. A tight ass and a closet full of antibiotics are all the money you'll need in a major catastrophe. I'm waiting for the big pandemic to come from Asia or Africa that can't be stopped. Something like a new and improved airborn Ebola or H1N1 with rapid onset and death. When martial law happens and the looting starts, I'm not taking food. I'm going straight to the antibiotic section of the closest pharmacy and wiping them out. I'll work out the exchange rate later. Maybe one 500mg keflex for a case of corn and an hour with your wife. lol
Haha, I literally lol'd at this. The thing is with speculating about what's going to happen when an "apocalyptic" even occurs, is that there is no way to know what kind of threat you are going to be facing, so there's really no idea how to prepare for it. You don't know whether it will be a massive flood, comet hitting earth, nuclear warfare, air borne virus, etc. etc. ... But if it gets to the point where people will riot, you need to be one of the first to act on it to get the most goods as possible. And for me, I would probably not think any thing of the situation before its too late, so I just hope that nothing like that would happen.
And why would you need a tight ass and nice buns?? lol.