Some of the game streamers that are played live, most of them are not true, they often play game streamer demos, it's not real, there are several cases that I see on YouTubers or on live streaming platforms that we often see, they often show slot streamer games almost never lose, always win, it seems that it's a little impossible, except for live broadcasting demo streamer games.
Indeed, when viewed as a whole, game streamer content looks original, easy, comfortable to play and a lot of income, but personally, game streamers are not real, whether they say original and so on. For me to do slot games like we do ourselves, that's what is real and real and fun at the same time, maybe.
Many scam game streamers was their,most of them was not real.They most do the sample game streaming and most of time all the bet made will return them win more profit.Thos game was not real,it was just created to scam the people.The less educated and greedy people will do believe of the streaming and get scam using that website.The game streamer always look original and real,but it’s is just the created one by the scammer to make you scam some dollars.
Even if you lose the money of 50 dollars will be the benefit for the scammer.If they get scam of 1000 people,So totally he get of 5000 dollar is very big money.By the small 50 dollar,the scammed person will skip it.But this will big profit for the scammer.