There are other coins that are more profitable than pascalcoin. Being the first is not always the most important.
The important kernel is the kernel that is 10% faster than everybody else, and stay 10% faster for 5months or more..
I have a pascal kernel that does 1200 on the gtx 1070 and it's not even optimized.
Waiting for a miner to inject my code, or go solo.
the thing is you are NOT always faster 'than everyone else' ... faster than some of the public implementation - maybe ... but certainly not faster than 'every one else' ...
in fact - that is true on most algos sp ...
just because we dont publicly state hashrates and distribute the miner - doesnt mean you have a miner that is 'faster than EVERYONE else' ...
we are considering our options here - and may come back with a miner of sorts - possibly private ... but until that time - i can categorically state that your is by far not the 'fastest' miner - especially at 10% higher than every one else ... especially our miner ...
dont ask for 'proof' - its not the way we work ... you can believe it or not - its not an issue on our part ...
we will continue to improve it - optimize it - and possibly allow others to use it for further testing ... while you continue to sell your miner that is actually slower than ours on many algos by the same percentage ( and more ) - that you claim is 'faster than everyone elses' ... all this proves is that there is ALWAYS room to better the hash ... it all about optimizing the code ...
and to think i asked you to join us at one stage - and you flatly refused ... sheesh! ...