*twiddles thumbs waiting for the Zcash launch*
*watches $60,000 worth of Zcoin volume getting funneled into botnets and AWS instances*
Still no idea why people implement CPU coins in this day and age. If it's not dominated by botnets, it's dominated by AWS instances.
Because of either; laziness, stupidity, lack of understanding of hashing algoritms or most likely because they have a private GPU miner.
Unless someone comes up with a very unconventional hashing algoritm that clearly negates the advantages of GPUs, there's zero reason to create a CPU exclusive hashing algo. Even then, botnets are way worse than massive farms (ASICs included).
Yup... same can be said about AWS users as well. Handful of people are mining that way and know the ins and outs, so the coins get funneled into a handful of hands... no different then ASICs.
*snort* ASICs generally fall into the hands of those with tons of money due to manufacturing costs. AWS just takes time and work to learn. Which you're allergic to.
LOL and what's the difference? You're just replacing one's time and effort with another. What happens when everyone learns AWS? You switch it again to remain in your elite little tugboat? It's a moving target just designed to keep you ahead of the game.
Notice how it's just types of work 'you're' familiar with and happen to already know? Yet, when it comes to other 'work', which earns things such as money, all of a sudden it's only the 'wealthy'? Lets assume for a second here that you can 'work' in more then one way and we didn't all just 'win the lottery' to make whatever money we have, how is that 'work' any less 'work' then what you do?
GPU mining is the most equitable split of minting coins, almost anyone can do it, whether that's good or bad it can be seen either way. You just want things to be in your area of expertise so you can profit the most from them. That's what we all want to do, right? However pretending that's any thing other then greed is on it's own level of arrogance and ignorance.
I don't make the coins - I learn as I go. A while ago, I didn't know shit about AWS. I saw ZCoin/ZCash coming and I fucking took the time to learn, because I realized it would benefit me. That's the difference between you and me - we're both greedy, but I don't bitch and moan about something being unfair, I work to make the best of it.
What do you think we were talking about before you wrote your response? It doesn't matter if you do or don't make the coins, we were talking about devs that do, to which you gave your chortle response. I'm sure you've had no experience with programming in any manner before the fact, even then if you are familiar with other certain areas those skills carry over, it's the same thing.
And you don't think I've worked to put together the miners I have now? You're taking the same thing and pretending they're different, simply because we have different skillsets. We've had this argument before. You assume because you're proficient in a certain area, everyone should be, and if they aren't, they're obviously lazy.
That's what money allows you to do, pay someone for their work in a way that is beneficial to them regardless of what they do. Why do you think we don't use the barter system anymore? It's silly and doesn't always apply in a scenario where goods or services are not required.
For someone that's spent a lot of time in the crypto world, you have almost no understanding of currency or economics. Woaw... Imagine that, something I'm good at and you aren't? Perhaps you should stop being so lazy and learn about it a bit. Oh wait, you don't want to, you just want to make coins with your knowledge in programming? Alright... Weird... it's almost like it's what I was just talking about.
Going back to Zcoin in particular, this is a one up game. They made a coin with a algo almost no one had experience with (it doesn't have any benefits either as it's just a placeholder), but I'm sure they did either through a private GPU miner or AWS/botnets, then they suck it dry before anyone has a fighting chance. They aren't accused of a huge premine (even though it's already proven they have been dumping coins from their premine address) and make a buttload of money.
Why do you think Zcash on the other hand is launching with a algo that's been around for almost a year and people have had plenty of time to work on it in addition to community bounties for miners? To make it a fair and equitable launch for everyone involved. It's also not specifically a CPU mineable coin - even if it started that way.