You're right, I just tried to verify it again using Electrum and it did verify this time, I guess a space slipped in before or something.
Please just leave me alone, you said earlier you don't feel sorry for me, and that's ok. But I just don't understand why you spending your time on people and things you don't care about?
Spend your time on happy things and friends & family instead and please leave me alone. It's enough to just know that I won't get the $66 back. Thank you.
I'm just doing some research to see if it's true that I have to come back here next year to apologize to you.
You and Wolf are welcome back in a year or so and apologize to me, im in no rush and I am much bigger then both of you and don't let my feelings control my actions.
By the way, no matter how much you say, you don't control feelings very well.I suffer from mental illness yes, I take day by day, and this made me a little bit sad, I had hope to get this money back. because of personal reasons my economy is not 100% right now.
And I was sitting and trying to get that verify message for 3 HOURS in the morning, and was so happy when it worked.
(Thanks to a person that helped me)Then I saw he message me from another account then I knew I was fucked and would not see any money.
A bad day quite simply... Sorry if I offended you. I prefer to speak face to face then behind a monitor, but that just me.
Already lost over $120 here so won't for sure lend out any more money, and at the same time get accused for being ALT of accounts from all over the world.
And yeah you and wolf accused me of things that ain't true, that's actually fact.
Have a good weekend and take care, i am done at this kindergarten.