I had a couple of my cgminers go offline with the message "stratum connection to pool 0 interrupted", a third however, which was mining on the same pool did not disconnect and kept running fine. I noticed it an hour later...
I have a failover set up on another pool, but for some reason that did not kick in on either machine.
Has anyone had this issue come up and have you found any solutions? I thought having a failover set up would have prevented my miners frm shutting down...
Thanks for any advice anyone can offer.
I've had the same experiences. I've got 2 rigs mining at separate locations. One is a single 7970 running 3.1.0 and the other is running 2 7970's with 3.1.1. The rig running 3.1.1 seems to drop out more often - about twice a day. Is it a stability issue? I'm running the single card rig stock (69 degrees C), the other rig is running both cards @ 1000MHz core, 925MHz RAM, 70 degrees C. Is this issue because the cards are throwing garbage at cgminer, or a network connection is flakey, or something else? They always seem to drop out at the worst times - like 5 minutes after I go to bed...
If no one has a solution to the cgminer issue, does anyone have a good way of alerting you if a miner stops submitting shares?