After many months of considerable thought, negotiation and deliberation, the two coins we have the premines for, have been decided upon.
The factors that brought us to these decisions are many, but the crux of it stems from the fact that ALL these coins are for the use and distribution, as well as the development and progression of each of the coins themselves. As such, the decision for the premines are static and the same, and are not negotiable after this post, as we have held these bags of coins for such a long time now (in one of the coins case, for over two years) which has caused more negatives than positives. CWI have maintained the grasp and hold of the coins and as have been promised, none of the coins have been moved unless they were to be used for the purpose they were designed for.
Many options were presented and discussed, while I personally considered all the options. Some of these options (to name a few) were ...
- A complete burn of ALL the coins in both premines.
- A complete sale of both premines.
- A complete airdrop of both premines.
- A partial component of some or all of the previous points.
- A swap for other coins and/or burn and/or sale of the remainder of the premine.
Now these options were not the only presented as mentioned, but were the ones that made the most sense.
The decision made is two fold.
1 - The coins need to be sold in what i have called a PCO (Post Coin Offering).
2 - The coins need to be distributed to as wide an audience as possible, but only a partial amount for free.
This means that for the two coins we have the premines for (OZC and SWEEP) shall be distribute in a graded/scaled sale on either the exchange or through our Discord channel, until all coins are sold. The distribution will be done on a coin amount, not a percentage of the premine.
The current amounts in the premine for the two coins are as follows ...
OzzieCoin - 10,000,000,006 OZC (~10 Billion OZC) as seen here -
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/ozc/address.dws?233527.htmSweepStakeCoin - 62,488,854 SWEEP (~62 Million SWEEP) as seen here -
https://chainz.cryptoid.info/sweep/address.dws?30166.htmThe distribution of both premines will be as follows ...
For OZC ...
01sat - 2.5BOZC
03sat - 2.5BOZC
07sat - 2.5BOZC
16sat - 700MOZC
GiveAway - 1.8BOZC (Exclusively via our Partner Project - Crypto GiveAway)
For SWEEP ...
03sat - 16MSWEEP
07sat - 16MSWEEP
16sat - 16MSWEEP
25sat - 7MSWEEP
GiveAway - 7.488855MSWEEP (Exclusively via our Partner Project - Crypto GiveAway)
Crypto GiveAways (
https://cryptogiveaways.org/) is the brainchild of none other than 'batesresearch' (
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/batesresearch-132621). He is also the Founder and CEO of the highly successful CoinFestUK Coin Summit (
http://coinfestuk.org) which we will attend in the coming years and support in many more ways than 'just' coins.
The SweepStakeCoin sale will be maintained and escrowed by CWI-Escrow services and will continue to do so until such time SWEEP is placed into an exchange.
The OzzieCoin sale will be initiated as sales through the exchange that we consider as being the most solid and stable, and the only one we recommend to do the transactions through - Cryptopia.
The coins will be set and will remain for the term of their sale. In the event of a swap or hardfork, both premine amounts will remain in the sale position until all are sold via the CWI-PCO, even if a swap is necessary for the coins. This event will start on Midnight Monday 3rd September 2018 Adelaide time (google 'what is the time in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia' to see the timezone difference).
The purpose of the premine and relative PCO is to bring about the closure of the full development fund, and as such, have the premine dissolved into the CWI-Fund (theFUND) BEFORE we continue with the development of ALL coins we have under our wing.
The full update is not complete thus far, but is close. This post is one portion of the full update and this needs to be published prior to the full update publication, so as to not make the next full update larger than it already is. Believe me it is large.
For those that have been following us for such a long time, and have been a part of the CWI Community, as well as those that have helped in ways we cannot thank you enough for, we hope that this will be the end of the old stage of our coin acquisition, and herald a new level of development which we have planned for the start of next month.
We hope that we can make granite (GRN), OzzieCoin (OZC), Droidz (DRZ), InfluxCoin (INFX) and SweepStakeCoin (SWEEP) a group of usable and functional coins, that will undoubtedly become an integrated component of the final leg of the development for our coin system and the integration into the one wallet we can design and implement for use in our CWI-EcoSystem. This integration stage will be the last stage in our coin acquisitions and the development of that integrations stage must happen after all the coins are rebased on their new code. This also means that PoW only coins will soon become 'not' just PoW only