1. Crypto portfolio
2. Source of income
3. Financial Budgets
4. Investment assets
5. Crypto knowledge
When you check yourself and know the position you are within the above listed areas concerning you, then you could know how to plan ahead the new year for more improvements, your own story could also change, once you're able to change your thinking, it will change what is on your table and the people around you.
The mentality of big people is not narrow. That's the only conclusion I got.
You are right, points number one, two, three and four must be re-examined to find out where to fix and prepare again for this year as evaluation material.
Point number one, namely the asset portfolio, is the main thing that I will prepare as well as possible starting January 1, 2025 for the next year. In 2024, my asset portfolio was not as satisfactory as I expected.
I have also planned a source of income, hopefully it can be realized this year to make it easier for me to execute the asset portfolio target, especially Bitcoin.