Ok guys please don't think I'm picking on either of you here, but these are the facts. (as I see them)
- snip -
The hard cap on the number of btc is a big mistake because it will ultimately be very deflationary.
Saying it is a "mistake" implies that the result in unintentional. Bitcoin is intended to be deflationary ultimately. This may make it an interesting experiment with the concept of a highly divisible deflationary currency, but it doesn't make it a mistake.
The inflationary or deflationary exchange value of the
BTCitcoin Over the Counter "Credit Swap Derivative" will have nothing or only very, very little ever to do with it's quantitative monetary "supply" (destruction or mining uncovery) nature. Mining uncovery merely sustains it's uniquely contrived exchange verification (universal blockchain) network.
BTCitcoins are
valued and devalued solely by the laws of supply and demand mediated through the market price/valuation mechanisms of bid and ask settlements on trading exchanges. These currently grossly infantile and horrifically ill-suited price-exchanging mechanisms will hopefully become better regulated as we progress here with identifying much better trade-exchanging practices.
BTC supply has a halflife due to loss. I don't know what that halflife is, but it is a statistical fact. Therefore mathematically, the number of usable btc's will one day be practically zero.
The statement that "the number of usable btc's will one day be practically zero" is based on an assumption that bitcoin will never be divisible beyond 0.00000001 BTC. If we assume that sometime in the next few hundred years the users of bitcoin will agree to subdivide bitcoin further, then the number of usable fractions of a bitcoin become essentially infinite.
townf please explain the mathematical reason why everybody on earth would "eventually" lose all of their money? Do you know something about hard drives, memory sticks, software and online trading accounts that we don't?
Anyone who is clever and sophisticated enough to use/keep a digitally encrypted virtual Over the Counter Credit Swap Derivative as savings will be smart enough to use a backup program to save the current state of their wallet. Over time the number lost should never even approach the number newly uncovered
DannyHamilton it is impossible for a transaction to occur over the network involving less than a further - tenth of a "femto
BTC (1 f
BTC0.000 000 1)".
The smallest possible "atto" 1/100 millionth unit is called a "sitoshi
BTC (s
BTC) =
BTC0.000 000 01 = 1 sitoshi
The blockchain network cannot record nor verify any smaller of a transaction. BTCitcoin will have a vast, nearly infinite universe of "Sitoshi
BTC pennies" to use should it's valuation ever need some.
The currency will of course be unusable before then due to scarcity. There is no way around it. People will grow old and die without divulging their keys. People will lose or forget their keys. Computers will fail and lose keys. Just like people thought at one time we will never run out of IP4 addresses, the day will come.
Explain why it would be unusable due to scarcity? Scarcity will increase it's value, but it should still be useable.
Score! Danny =1 town = 0You couldn't "divide up" and sell-off (allocate) parts of the limited range of IPV4 addresses to more computers than that who needed them, which made their central IP database registry (bitchain) impossible to enlarge.
Unlike an IPV6 address, a single "mommy BTCitcoin" regardless of wether she is plump or skinny, can always be crisply divided up into a 100 million different screaming and burping little SitoshiBTCs who are all totally independent of whats left of her.
It doesn't matter that btc's are divisible to the nano btc. That's not the point. The point is to have a money supply remain constant in ratio with the population.
That is not the point of bitcoin. The point of bitcoin is to create a currency that is inflationary in supply during it's adoption phase, and then transition to having a shrinking supply in ratio with the population.
BTCitcoin valuation has nothing much at all to do with the supply of it , and everything to do with the demands for it. As a productive global human population increases it's demand for it, it's exchange-valuation-supply will naturally tend to only increase. Should that demand fall it's owner's own independent valuations of it should tend to stay where they were moreso than they tend to fall.
BTCitcoin was designed to be "counter-flationary" owing to independent, local "market-owner" valuations rather than centrally dictated noble-fiat "slave-owner" onesI didn't even get into the fact that new, sustained wealth created by innovation or labor needs to be represented by fresh currency issue to prevent deflation.
Or everyone can simply accept deflation, and then new, sustained wealth created by innovation or labor needs to be represented by dwindling currency suply to prevent inflation.
No it doesn't, really,
"Monetary devaluation" or decreasing the value of a money (price inflation) is the same thing as making and circulating more of it. It is a moronic tactic used by Tory-Bilderberg Trotskyite Mensheviks to foolishly attempt to prod growth by monetizing slaves debts that you are too greedy and evil to forgive. It only results in making bond loans even more worthless than the debt liabilities they back.
"Monetary revaluation" (seldom heard-of as in 1973 Bretton Woods) or increasing the value of a "limited commodity" foolishly used as money is the same thing as reducing/monopolizing it's supply or a "Gold Standard" doomed to shrink until fraudulent rented-Receipts For It Notes must be used to replace it (1913), then leading to rented They-Owe-Us Notes backed by "bond" debt-slavery pledges to it's former value (1973).
"Monetary iValuation" is the
BTCitcoin free market system, where monetary supply and demand determine an ever naturally increasing valuation that profits all who own it and automatically remains "price-inflation neutral" regardless of growth without central control.
If you don't like the "inflation or deflation" of your
BTCitcoin you don't have to sell it. But, this may change, hopefully it's price always inflates at a goodly more or less demand-constant premium to encourage saving, rather than it deflating and robbing us.
Inflation and deflation are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are bad for participants in the economy, through no fault of their own. Either way, some sectors of the economy benefit unfairly and some suffer unfairly. You can't say that deflation is good and inflation is bad. It doesn't work like that. They're both bad. The changing itself of the value of money up or down as the change works its way unevenly through the economy is what hurts people.
This is an interesting opinion, but I think you'll find that many here will disagree with it.
Not me