Wait, socialism in a 'mixed economy with capitalism' () doesn't turn out to be the same as fascism in
Or, what about when those socialist countries do things like ban homeschooling (Sweden) or invade a bunch of countries and kill people in them (the U.S.) or make people wait 2 years for cataract surgery while going blind (Canada) or write socialist regulations explicitly limiting the financial liability of oil companies for environmental disasters (a bunch of countries including the U.S.) or hey [insert lots of other bad things states do] [insert more bad things states do]
Elected officials control trillions of dollars and billions of bullets. The corporation that does not buy the politicians is at a competitive disadvantage. They are merely playing the "game" that was set up for them, a game of socialist/statist violence.
Actually, never mind. "Noun-1 [Verb 'to be'] Noun-2 (identity)" is not sufficient to form a higher order abstraction. General semantics phail @ X form of government "is" "awesome". Forget everything I just said as it was not necessary.