In case you didn't notice, ITS WINTER! Of course there is nothing currently growing.
wtf are you talking about?? im waiting for legalisation early spring. Grow Ops can be indoor or Outdoor. Who said i was waiting for summer?? are you trying too troll me with one of your sock puppets??
I clearly quoted you as to why there is NO OP currently. How am I trolling you? by simply quoting something that you clearly typed?
you have yet too quote me saying anything about waiting till summer or how i dont know what im doing in regards too cannabis seeds or grows. your a troll here too make up fud after a failed attempt too hardfork choofcoin for a 420 reward. Im not going too break the law so you all must learn too wait till its legal.
I did what? I tried to hard fork it? Thats some bullshit. I called it out that the daemon was still using the old reward, I didnt do jack. I had a jacked wallet dat that you nor your friend could help with that I fixed. Where you get this I tried to hard fork your bullshit is laughable. You didnt say shit to me about summer. You go ahead and keep back tracking. You said what you said and thats that. I am not the one sitting trying to bullshit. I made legit statements according to what was said here. Quote you on waiting for summer? I didnt have to, you already told Daffadile exactly what I said above that ITS WINTER OF COURSE THERES NOTHING GROWING. This would lead ANYONE to the conclusion that you had this somewhat wrapped up but then it comes out that you have no legal standing on anything with cannabis. Nor are you currently legal or remotely even close enough to be legal to start trying to create a seedbank. Wan't to keep telling me what I am trying to do to the coin? I have done nothing but quote you. The Chain was stalled so I PUT HASH ON IT and got it moving again. YOU DID NOTHING. Don't sit and tell me what I have done to hurt the coin. I have done nothing but try and move your chain and your coin. You on the other hand continue to get caught in lie after lie. You said you were already growing wtf man.
Lie to me.
Anyway choofcoin needs an explorer more twitter followers a website and more activity. Need more promos.
In case you didn't notice, ITS WINTER! Of course there is nothing currently growing. We have a Explorer and website all ready .
Our current Explorer is not reliable and kevin told me he was working on a new explorer. "More twitter Followers" an't going too do crap, and as far as "more activity" im online everyday and you wont see a Dev more active than me.
As for hurting the chain and trying to hard fork it, lets to a little quote lookbackThrowing hash on it right now, diff is .45 Nethash is 483.74 khz (been on it 10+ mins )
Will leave hash on it for a bit, only pushing 100khz so it will be a while if a block is going to come.
Dev you need to def get online and put some hash on your coin.
Same block, still throwing hash on it. :/ so not just a singular problem, dev give an update, throw some hash on it, rent some or something, you got users sitting on a stalled chain.
Dev you should drop your 45 day coin age req, pos blocks would push the chain. 45 days for min age req is a killer, even drop that off to 30 days and pos blocks will start pumping out. Just an idea. still putting hash on this with no movement.
3 Peers now, still on same block and non stop throwing hash on it.. Just an update. Dev you have been on today, please comment on the issue.

"version" : "",
"protocolversion" : 80022,
"walletversion" : 60018,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"unspendable" : 0.00000000,
"newmint" : 0.00000000,
"stake" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 26861,
"timestamping" : {
"systemclock" : 1479682073,
"adjustedtime" : 1479682073,
"ntpoffset" : 0,
"p2poffset" : null
"moneysupply" : 431724691.35000002,
"connections" : 3,
"proxy" : "",
"ip" : "x.x.x.x",
"difficulty" : {
"proof-of-work" : 0.44780556,
"proof-of-stake" : 0.00024414
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1479669972,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00100000,
"errors" : ""
Will start logging the getmininginfo ( for nethash. )
"blocks" : 26861,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : {
"proof-of-work" : 0.44780556,
"proof-of-stake" : 0.00024414,
"search-interval" : 0
"netmhashps" : 0.48372994,
"netstakeweight" : 0.00000000,
"errors" : "",
"pooledtx" : 0,
"stakeinputs" : 0,
"testnet" : false
Block solved. Chain moving again
I will continue to put hash on your coin dev until either more start mining or the diff lowers. or I get bored. only time will tell :p
chain is moving now, diff went up :/ lol OMFG

"version" : "",
"protocolversion" : 80022,
"walletversion" : 60018,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"unspendable" : 0.00000000,
"newmint" : 4.20000000,
"stake" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 26862,
"timestamping" : {
"systemclock" : 1479682970,
"adjustedtime" : 1479682970,
"ntpoffset" : 0,
"p2poffset" : null
"moneysupply" : 431724695.55000001,
"connections" : 3,
"proxy" : "",
"ip" : "x.x.x.x",
"difficulty" : {
"proof-of-work" : 0.50221470,
"proof-of-stake" : 0.00024414
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1479669972,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00100000,
"errors" : ""
Block solved. Chain moving again
I will continue to put hash on your coin dev until either more start mining or the diff lowers. or I get bored. only time will tell :p
chain is moving now, diff went up :/ lol OMFG

"version" : "",
"protocolversion" : 80022,
"walletversion" : 60018,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"unspendable" : 0.00000000,
"newmint" : 4.20000000,
"stake" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 26862,
"timestamping" : {
"systemclock" : 1479682970,
"adjustedtime" : 1479682970,
"ntpoffset" : 0,
"p2poffset" : null
"moneysupply" : 431724695.55000001,
"connections" : 3,
"proxy" : "",
"ip" : "x.x.x.x",
"difficulty" : {
"proof-of-work" : 0.50221470,
"proof-of-stake" : 0.00024414
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1479669972,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00100000,
"errors" : ""
This coin deff Needs more miners.I would like to Thank you personally for helping hash for us, Choofcoin is very weak atm because its so new and having dedicated miners that believe in choofcoin will lead too our success.