this is maybe slightly off subject, but I am wondering how to translate on cgminer the command line option "--suggest-diff 32" into an entry in the config file?
why such a small number?
Well, I am using a GekkoScience 2Pac BM1384, so this is a small miner. Should I be using a higher diff?
The Answer that I have for original question is that I use a .bat file that looks like:
cgminer.exe --gekko-2pac-freq 200 -o stratum+tcp:// -u yourwallet.worker -p x --suggest-diff 256 --usb :1 pause
The answers you are looking for are likely in the first pages of:
On the cgminer setup pages and readme files.
Now we're really off topic and you have some reading and testing to do... it's gonna take some of YOUR time...