RX 580
Core Voltage -93
Power limit +0
Temp limit 90
Core Clock 1235
Mem Clock 2250
Fan Speed 70%
RX 570
Core Voltage -93
Power limit -7
Temp limit 76
Core Clock 1330
Mem Clock 2100
Fan Speed 80%
3 x GTX 1060 & 1 x GTX 1080
Core Voltage +0
Power limit 75
Temp limit 72
Core Clock -400
Mem Clock +1000
Fan Speed 35%
Core Voltage +0
Power limit 80
Temp limit 74
Core Clock -400
Mem Clock +1000
Fan Speed 45%
Thoughts or ideas?
I do use Afterburner for these clocks and i close the program after adjusting, but i heard that Claymore doesn't Recognize Afterburner settings.
Is this true, is it better to edit the .bat file?
You run gtx 1080 TI, right? I never thought gtx 1080 can go to 38 mh/s. Do you have AMD 18.3.4 driver and claymore 11.7 installed? If so, you can add everything to bat file and uninstall afterburn.
Also, what's the power usage for 580 out of wall? Can you run rx 580 at your OC setting stable enough for days?
Thanks for your reply.
It's not a TI, it's a GTX 1080 (G1 Gaming-8GD) it's because i use the ETHlargement Tool.
On my AMD rigs i use the Crimson beta drivers still: https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-Edition-Beta-for-[Suspicious link removed]pute-Release-Notes.aspx
Exactly how i check my power usage? is there a tool for that? because i don't have a adapter that displays the power usage.
And yea my 580 rigs keeps running without a reboot or share warning in the .bat file.
It will give you wattage info
For nVidia: close to exact
For AMD: if it display GPU + Mem seperatedly, add them together give you close to exact. if it only display GPU, then you won't know the exact usuage.
Are all your cards on the same rig?
Claymore takes afterburn setting for nvidia cards very well. Claymore 11.7 can control/override afterburn OC setting directly now.
Claymore takes afterburn setting for AMD, but it will reset to default randomly (I never got pass more than 1 day). I use WattMan to control OC on Blockchain Beta. I can run 2~6 weeks straight w/o problem. The downside is every time system reboot, I have to manually set it again in WattMan. You have run it for 46+ hours, maybe you can stick with afterburn as long as it works.
But with AMD 18.3.4, you can control it directly with claymore (good for automated startup script after system power on) But I have some stability issues so I am still testing it before rollout to all rigs.
My goal is to use fewest tools to control all OC settings across all nvidia and AMD cards on the same rig and automate the startup process. It seems claymore 11.7, AMD 18.3.4 and most nVidia driver since Q317 can archieve that. But stability is a concern here.