Wow has your tone changed after you received our money.
How was it false advertising? enlighten me. Did you know I was running about 25-50 servers out of my own cost, right off the bat? In fact, I mined 3 blocks without using the new wallet yet since I wasn't fast enough to implement the new wallet. I still need to add about 31.55 XPM to the pool. So, before we get a little jumpy, give credit where credit is due. If I was mining 8-10 blocks, and I disabled it for the expansion of these servers, why aren't we a little more flexible on what you say or how you say it?
It's false because you advertised "400 - 800" a day when in reality it's now closer to half of that. That's blatantly swindling people out of money to fund your operation.
And No, I will not disclose server information at this time. You have to understand, there is security involved in this section. I RUN a server farm...
for security purposes, I will not be disclosing financials or server details anything further than what is available from the start.
Yeah, I run a server farm too. I run one for one of the largest healthcare organizations in an entire state. There is absolutely nothing insecure about telling people "We use IBM Power 7 series hardware and supplement with blades as we need. We have approximately 10 full frames and 30 blades."
Thanks for buying, but who said 8 XPM/day is what you are going to earn? We need to stop jumping the gun so quickly, it has NOT been a full three days yet.
You did. 400 - 800 XPM/day. 1 share = 2%. Let's see, let me break out my calculator OH LOOK AT THAT THE WORST CASE IS 8 XPM A DAY.
I need investors to grow this.. it is a team thing! and Thanks to all for buying, but do not take offense to my comments. I am transparent and open, but there needs to be a fine line... This isn't just an investment you will see an outcome later, I am bringing in results today. You do not have to wait months and months for pre-orders or anything out of the ordinary. All I am asking is, provide me some flexibility to do my job, and I will deliver to you all.
No. You need to honor the people who gave you money. Everything you're doing right now is supported by us. If you needed flexibility you should have covered your butt before you started looking for hand outs.
Again, Thank you all for investing, and do not take it the wrong way if I am not clear with exact numbers. I would be lying to you, if I did have exact numbers because every minute, that data is turning old. I will have concrete information within a few days.
You did lie.
I want you to return/refund my bitcoin and you can find a new buyer for your shares.