Gentlemen, ladies, Bosman. How are y'all?
Let me start by saying that this is my first post ever, on any crypto forum. With that said, I would like to tell you about my position on crypto and my experience with cryptocurrencies.
I am not a techie by any means of the word, nor do I know anything about programming or code. I am 100% end user. I have always been years behind any adoption of technology (ex. Very first Apple product (ipad2) purchased last year. I have had the same smart phone for 6 years, I still play on a PS3 which I only bought 2 years ago). What I am trying to say is that I am NOT a fad guy.
With that being said, I had found out about Bitcoin around late Dec/early Jan. Funny that it was actually the news of Mt. Gox that got me interested in researching it more. The more I learned about Blockchain, the more I became positively interested. I never did or would have jumped on the IBM, Microsoft or Cellular tech, to me (as every other non-early adapter) it was just a niche fad. Now after researching Bitcoin and the Blockchain, I can definitely see and appreciate the importance and value of this "destructive Technology".
From an investment standpoint, I told myself that unlike the IBM's and Microsoft's, I was not going to be left following the herd. Since around Feb, I started buying Bitcoin. I use it both as an investment and for it's purchasing power.
Now, with the Baskin Robin's of crypto's, Bitcoin (with the virgin algorithm) has really been the only one that I have felt was "fad proof." Always keeping my eyes open for something that I believe has the "right stuff", I had came across Groupcoin I think on the 2nd of Aug. I think what originally turned me on from the beginning was the blatant lack of promises and the democratic nature of how and what this coin would represent.
I don't Play the pump and dump game, which is a shame because there are some really useful coins out there, or at least on premise. The problem that I find with those coins are that they are mostly Niche coins. I love the fact that Groupcoin, thanks to Bosmans' vision, is a coin with no set course on what it will be. It can be whatever the "user's" chooses it to be. Bosman has giving us the means to make a coin that WE find very useful with the features that WE want in a coin. No more shopping for the coin that best describes what the individual wants, he has giving us the store to stock with whatever features the individual desires, as long as the collective of the community backs the idea.
Even with Bitcoin, which I absolutely love, it is still a coin served in a box. You get what (the Dev's) give you.
Now like I said before about not being a techie, I will not be very vocal in my suggestions about where this coin can go. But, there are allot smarter people than myself about this stuff that share the same interests about cryptocurrencies. Every other coin offered right now is developed by a small team of visionaries. Groupcoin stands apart from every other coin by that fact that there is a small team of "liaisons." Bosman is a different kind of developer visionary. I said Liaison because that is how I feel about Bosman, not as a developer. He is merely the keyboard masher that is making OUR visions a reality. When I see that I can buy into and follow the vision of a dozen or so developers, or buy into and follow a coin who's vision is of anyone willing to merely ask for it, I found the coin that I am going to back.
There are a couple reasons for my introduction today. First I would like to thank the Bitcoin Community and the Blockchain in a whole. More focused, I would like to send a very heartfelt thank you to Bosman for his unselfish belief in his fellow man, not his ability to make millions of dollars off of them, It'll come to you bro
Not to say that you are politician material, but if politicians cared more about "the people", like Bos, then we probably wouldn't be in here talking about this stuff to begin with.
The other reason is that I don't know allot about the inter-workings of crypto, so please forgive me and be patient with me if I happen to ask a stupid question every now and again.
On that note, thanks for giving me the time to express my thanks and support for this great concept.